Questions tagged [bitmap-fonts]

Non-scalable font made out of bitmap images rather than vector data like in Truetype fonts. Used mainly in games. Typically render faster than truetype fonts.

92 questions
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Convert dds + xml to ttf?

is there a way to convert a DDS file to TTF if I have an XML file with all the characters and their positions? I was googling for multiple hours without any success. I need it just for 3 fonts, so something free, or at least trial that would allow…
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Why cocos2d-iphone v2,v3 x-v2 CCLabelBMFont align is not center?

I update cocos2d-iphone for required x64 ios. But my game's CCLabelBMFont all go align error. How can I fix it ? I set txt.anchorPoint = ccp(.25, .5); It worked. But it not the real solution way. here the font resource:…
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Libgdx Programm works fine as desktop applicaton but doesnt work in html

My programm works fine when i start it as desktop application but when i run the superdev and run it in my browser i get an Error below the screen. The Error message says: GwtApplication: exception: font/white.fnt does not exist …
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LibGDX - Cleaner font rendering with BitmapFont

Wondering if there's a simple solution for this; I'm rendering some text with a sprite batch and a bitmap font in a libGDX Android project. Text renders fine, but end up with a few subtle grey spots after some letters, which I want to clear up. A…
1 answer

Sharing the same texture atlas for sprites and bitmap font labels in Cocos2d

I have a bunch of sprites that share the same texture atlas, like this [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"Atlas.plist"]; CCSprite *sprite1 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"Star1.png"]; CCSprite *sprite2 =…
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libGDX fonts: using multiple colors for a simple character

Whenever I dealt with fonts in libGDX so far, I used the FreeTypeFontGenerator to create a BitmapFont out of a .ttf-File. Now my problem is the following: I want a font that supports not just one, but multiple colours for each character. For…
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Possible to use a Bitmap Font to create text in KineticJs?

I like the "Text"-class of KineticJS but its not enough for what I have in mind. Thats why I want to create a bitmap font (having all characters inside one image and using parts of the image to create the text). Is there a best approach to do this…
Christian Strang
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Bitmap fonts in SFML (OpenGL)

I'm writting a simple bitmap font renderer in pySFML and wanted to ask is there a better and faster way to approach this problem. I'm using VertexArray and create a quad for each character in a string. Each quad has appropriate texture coordinates…
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How to render BitmapFont.fnt with java.awt.Graphics2D?

I should load bitmap font before I use it to draw text with java.awt.Graphics2D @Override protected void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics graphics) { super.paintComponent(graphics); graphics.setFont(awtFont); // font should be loaded before…
Dmitry Kolesnikovich
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BitmapFont in Skin doesn't draw labels correctly

I made a bitmap font using Hiero, called default.fnt and default.png. I can use these as a BitmapFont in LibGDX, and draw text with the font without problems, using font.draw(). But I can't use this font as the default font in a Skin. I've used the…
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How to create & upload to Zbera thermal printer a bitmap font for ZPL language?

Could You please tell me what is the procedure to create(upload), a bitmap font for ZPL language to Zebra Thermal printer? It turned out that Zebra doesn't support their clients with bitmap fonts in different code pages. They only have scalable…
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How do I animate the text on Lable like slot machine?

i would like to perform an animation on label text.i need to show 10 on label. the label should display first start with 0 then 1 ,2 ,3....end with 10. example : showing display number animation is seems like in slot wheel. how should i achieve…
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Immediate mode for bitmap fonts

I'm drawing text in OpenGL. The text moves and changes very frequently. I have a bitmap font atlas (png and XML files) and am able to generate the texture coordinates for glyphs. Now I'm faced with how render the quads. It occurs to me that…
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As3 Bitmap font native support?

Recently i have discover many video tutorial regarding bitmap font performance enhance. I would love to use in my existing project, however my project is too late to implement starling framework, just wondering if there is any way which naively…
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How do I extract individual glyphs from a bitmap font?

I have a bitmap font sheet, and I would like to have each glyph as its own separate image. Do I just need to manually find the width of each glyph and extract them one by one, or is there a better way to do it?
Jon Cohen
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