Questions tagged [backlog]

catalogue of pending tasks in scrum terminology.

Scrum on Wikipedia

135 questions
2 answers

TFS and Scrum - Best Practice configuration for Areas, Iterations, backlog iteration, sprint iteration

This set of questions tries to elicit a best practice answer on how to setup TFS 2012 Areas and Iterations with Scrum 2. Context: We've been using Team System since TFS 2005 and had initially created a Team Project for each product we have and then…
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9 answers

How do you manage a large product backlog?

We have a large backlog of things we should do in our software, in a lot of different categories, for example: New problem areas for our products to solve New functionality supporting existing problem areas New functionality requested by our…
4 answers

Why is my mails staying in “backlog” of Mandrill?

at previous hour we reached the number of maximum limit of sending emails per hour which is not surprising since we know our limit per hour to send. However, after an hour passed I assumed that the rest of the emails will be sent automatically. It…
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2 answers

What does it mean for a PBI to be committed while in the backlog in MSF Scrum 2.2?

In attempting to understand what I'm seeing in TFS 2012 Web Access under WORK | backlog | Product Backlog, I used the "Create Backlog Query" button and then opened up the new query in the edit to see how it works. I noticed that it displays PBIs…
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2 answers

What value of backlog should I use?

I read the man 2 listen. I don't understand what is the backlog value, it says The backlog argument defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections for sockfd may grow Right, how can I define what is the best value? Thanks
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3 answers

What's "tcp-backlog" in redis.conf

I'm confused by tcp-backlog in redis.conf: # TCP listen() backlog. # # In high requests-per-second environments you need an high backlog in order # to avoid slow clients connections issues. Note that the Linux kernel # will silently truncate it to…
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3 answers

How does serversocket class serve multiple client connections on same port?

When using a Socket class one is establishing a TCP connection to a server on some port, but on the server the ServerSocket is capable of handling multiple client connections for each accept request and delegate it to a thread to server the request.…
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3 answers

Scrum: Technical items in a backlog that is managed by a non technical PO?

Should technical items such as "Upgrade sever from v1 to v2" or "Increase startup performance" or "Refactor login module to reduce code complexity" go in to the product backlog and if so how should a non technical product owner be able to prioritize…
Per Arneng
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6 answers

Scrum backlog sizing is taking forever

I work on a huge project. While we program we end up meeting for endless backlog sizing sessions where all the developers sit down with the team and size user stories. Scrum doubters are saying that this process is taking too long and development…
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5 answers

System stories for agile architecture

While trying to apply agile principles to our development process, in particular scrum principles and XP-like user stories, we faced a problem about the architecture. Maybe we are still too much linked to the architecture-centric development,…
Marco Ciambrone
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2 answers

Visual Studio Online, experiencing error "TF400486: Unable to complete the operation..." when adding new items from the backlog view

We use Visual Studio Online. We've been experiencing this issue over the past two days, when adding a new Product Backlog Item into the backlog view. When we add an item from the quick add form in the backlog, TFS displays error TF400486. The item…
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3 answers

TFS2012 sprint planning: Can I modify the "Backlog Query"?

We have upgraded our Team Foundation Server 2010 to Team Foundation Server 2012 and are now using the great TFS2012 web access to handle our product backlog, our sprints and our scrum board. And it all works very well. All except this: On our…
Morten Frederiksen
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2 answers

TFS 2012 Backlog prioritisation

I'm new to TFS 2012, and I was wondering if anyone could help, on probably a silly question but: How is the Backlog Priority determined in TFS out of the box? I can see I can change the priority by dragging and dropping, and the values constantly…
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1 answer

listen() ignoring backlog value

As I understand, backlog determines the size of the connection queue. Any extra requests greater this size at that time will be dropped off(is this statment right??). Now I have very simple program server.c socket() bind() listen(..., 5) while(1) { …
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1 answer

Modify the columns of the Sprint Board in team foundation server

I am using MS Team Foundation Server to implemet Scrum and I would like to see the whole progress and add some columns in the board to be more clear and bright When I go to the public board of all PBIs, I can customize the delivery operation. I can…
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