Questions tagged [backing-beans]

118 questions
1 answer

Passing value to the backing bean with PrimeFaces file upload

I am trying to upload the file and pass one parameter from select box with PrimeFaces 3.5. This is my form:
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ADF populating TreeTable with a bean

I'm learning ADF and have a question. I have an ADF TreeTable that I want to temporarly populate with static data. I'm using a bean for this, but the TreeTable is not being populated. Can someone check the code I have and tell me if I'm doing…
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JSF- SelectManyCheckBox cannot be add programmatically

I'm using primefaces 3.5 . I have a HtmlPanelGrid to show a popup which contain a list of checkboxes. But the popup isnt show up. private List selectedList; public List getSelectedList() { return selectedList; } public void…
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Why JSF backing bean function not call from JavaScript in Firefox but working fine in IE and Chrome?

I am trying to fire an JSF backing bean function from JavaScript when the page is being unload. It is working fine in IE and chrome but not in Firefox. This is how the onunload event get trigger in XHTML:
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JSF2 pass an attribute to backing bean on page load

I have two different JSF2 pages with a shared backing bean. How can I pass a parameter from page to the backing bean (on page load - method with @PostConstruct) so that it knows which page is currently being used. I know it's possible to use an…
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Ajaxical call to JSF backing bean method in JSF 1.0

Is it even possible to call a backing bean method using Ajax in a JSF 1.0 application and update the server side controls (dropdownlists) in server and push the changes to the client side? I have no idea on how we could do that. Any help would be…
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2 answers

How to submit a serialised object from an Applet, via a servlet, to a backing bean then open a results JSF page

I am an applications programmer doing my first JSF 2.0 web site and confess that I don't know as much as I should about JSF. I have been pooring over documents for months and, thanks to these forums in particular, have not gotten stuck up to this…
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JSF Backing Bean method not called

When i click the command button which triggers the editUser(User) method or the one that triggers the editClient(User) method in my backing bean, the methods ain't called anymore. It worked before, but now just nothing is called. The page is…
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jsf 1.2 UI Component tag backing bean

I am using JSF 1.2 and I want to create a custom component using ui:component tag. I need to use this component in many places in my application, so I want this component to be highly reusable. The problem is that for each use of this custom…
Alina Danila
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JSF 2.0 - Embed html into the XHTML page

I need to develop a page that is being used by multiple user groups. The requirement is that each User group wants a customized look and feel when they access the page (with a distinguishing parameter). The Users want to dump the html that they need…
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2 answers

How do I dynamically include the backing bean value in jsf 1.2

Hi i have the following code creatPage1.jsp i have updatePage1.jsp I want to be able to do include (via ui:include or…
Chun ping Wang
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how will i get backing bean value in java script on click of command button

Can you please help me out in doing this? I am trying to get value from backing bean in my javascript on click of the command button. this is my jsf command button
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How to make a shared/utility backing bean?

i have several pages that shares specific part of the page let's say for example a groups of checkboxes that display all users with ability to search in those users, so i am thinking of grouping the UI part in a facelet so i can include it in other…
Sameh Farahat
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Primefaces tabview activeIndex not updated on server

Porting my web-application to a newer version I faced an odd disfunction in behaviour of activeIndex from p:tabView UI component. Shortly said: In my existing web-application it all works fine, in my newer version activeIndex is not beeing updated…
Erik DdW
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1 answer

JSF Bean doens´t run code after specific method call

i have a commandButton, which calls a method inside the backing bean. This bean is ViewScoped and calls a service method, which is ApplicationScoped(inside there it calls repository method which saves the data from the form inside a database). Now…
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