Questions tagged [backing-beans]

118 questions
1 answer

JSF component value not retrievable in backing bean

I'm developing a webshop and I'm facing problems with getting input values from JSF components in the backing bean. I have a datatable, which dynamically loads records from a database table. I want the user to be able to select the amount of items…
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Value on JSF page doesn't update even if the getter method is correct

On a JSF page (lets say page1) I click a link that triggers a pop up through JavaScript. The pop up appears and the JSF page1 stays in the background. In the pop up I work also work JSF. When I`m finished with the pop up I click on a button on the…
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JSF csv download

Using JSF1.2, I have a group of checkboxes on a page that the user will check to specify what data they want returned in a csv file. On clicking the submit button, I want to grab the checkbox values and use those to query a database and only return…
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How to map an object in jsf from backing bean?

I am getting error while running this snippet as /facelet/crew/objectMapGossip.xhtml @14,94 value="#{objcetMapBean.searchCrewParam.staffNum}": Property 'staffNum' not readable on type java.lang.String please help me out from this small error .. I…
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jquery DragDrop calling BackingBean function

I have a little script for drag&drop a table and it's working fine. But I've a problem: I have to pass the start/endPosition to my BackingBean. Is there a way to call a BackingBean function from jquery (with parameters)? Or do you know some nice…
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Deploying backing bean with composite component in separate jar

I have some difficulties deploying my web app on JBoss AS 6.1. My current Project is separated into the main web app (controller/managed beans & web frontend using JSF 2 facelets) and one jar with the composite components + backing beans. But when I…
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JSF: c:set on button click?

Is it possible to "execute"/"render" various c:set tags when a certain button is pressed and a redirect will occure? I dont want to set the properties of the backing bean code-wise, for im filling them with static data. As im not talking about one…
Sebastian Hoffmann
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Resetting a JSF Backing bean from theme navigation menu in WPS 7.0

I have a JSF Portlet which has user form in the view JSP. The requirement is whenever i click on the theme navigation menu, a new form needs to be displayed to the user. But the problem is whenever i click on the menu, the values are getting…
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How do backing bean scopes work?

I have some misunderstanding with JSF backing bean scope. I am new to JSF and now writing a simple project and all my beans mostly have session scope. But if my site will have many users that means my session will be very very big and kill my…
2 answers

how to use javascript to get jsf h:outputText value?

I have a button has action which can set myBackingBean.myString, and onclick event calls js method to alert that value. I just want to get the value of myString from backing bean by using javascript. I have a hidden output which has value from…
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Avoid truncate trying to parse string to float in Java Backingbean

I'm trying to parse a string value like this "2123123.12" using a portion of code like this String stringAmount = "2123123.12"; float amount = Float.parseFloat(stringAmount); But when I see the value have the next: 2123123.0 Have any idea. Thanks…
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How to read a file from a relative path in Jdeveloper ADF?

I want to read a file from a relative path in my Jdeveloper Adf project, I have my files in a path like this "\ProjectName\ViewController\public_html\files", my file is an image, so what can I do?, I want to my code to work in any server.
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Faces messages not shown when preRenderView event jumps to another view in nested backing bean

I have two scenarios. First one, from an external URL, I access a view (V1) with a preRenderView event in it. The executed method in the backing bean navigates to another view (V2). In V2 I have some elements that are associated to a backing bean…
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