Questions tagged [backendless]

Backendless provides an instant backend to help developers build better apps faster.

The Backendless Platform is a tightly integrated system designed to streamline and accelerate application development process. Individual platform products can address requirements of developers working on mobile, web-based or enterprise applications. However the platform as a whole establishes a unified approach for building applications faster, at a reduced development cost and with the utmost reliability.

247 questions
2 answers

What is the difference between a realtime database and a "normal" database?

I'm researching some backend-as-a-service (BaaS) solutions for developing web applications, and I constantly see that Firebase refers to their database as a "realtime database", while for example Backendless doesn't mention the phrase "real time"…
Magnus W
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2 answers

Integrate salesforce and backendless

I want the signup form data to go to Salesforce leads table. I have a WordPress website where i have made a signup form using php code, and whenever an user signs up, the form data goes to the Backendless users table, for this i have used the REST…
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How to check data in Backendless from Users table - Android

In my MainActivity, I first check to see if there is someone logged in. If there isn't, user is sent to LoginActivity. If someone is logged in, I check to see if the token is valid, if not, again the user is sent to the LoginActivity. If the token…
Alexiz Hernandez
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2 answers

Swift: Backendless sorting relationship objects

I have this Backendless tables: Posts and Comments Posts has a column comments which is has a one-to-many relationship to Comments table. I'm try to get the comments in a latestOrder first behavior. Currently, I have this query: let query =…
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3 answers

testing a curl request with jmeter

I have a curl request and i don't know how to transform it in jmeter : curl -H application-id:my-app-id -H secret-key:my-secret-key -H Content-Type:"multipart/form-data" -H application-type:REST --form upload=@/logo.jpg -X POST -v…
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Backendless iOS: join equivalent for find

I have this data model: Album <--->> Photo <--->> Like <<---> User I want to get the photos from specific Album and I want to attach Likes to them as well. I would like to have some equivalent of a Fetched Property, because I don't want to get an…
Miroslav Kuťák
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1 answer

Strange error on first startup Backendless

I'm trying to run my app with Backendless for the first time. I recieve this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/backendless/BackendlessCollection; at com.backendless.Persistence.( at…
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2 answers

Add data to table and get from table using

I am using "" as a BaaS, what I need is to get data from table. Here I am saving object to table: function Products(args) { args = args || {}; = || ""; this.quantity = args.quantity || ""; …
1 answer

How do I sort Data from backendless and Hide (Not Remove) Duplicates for Android?

I am Creating An App that will allow users to select Drinks From a tablet with in the store. The Store Managers will be able to upload New Drinks from Backendless. The Goal is to have a button For Every Brand however I am unsure of how to stop from…
0 answers

SWRevealViewController is not working after the Login Page in Swift 3

I am very new to Swift. I am working on SWRevealViewController in swift 3. My requirement in my project is I have a LoginView Controller. In that, if Login is success means I will get to HomeViewController. In HomeViewController I need…
anusha B
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1 answer

How to work with Backendless REST API in swift 3

I am trying to connect back endless rest api using IOS swift 3. I am adding application id, secret key like below request.addValue("0C896F8C-D3CE-BD08-FF1D-2B087CE77B00", forHTTPHeaderField:…
1 answer

Backendless standalone cannot check isvalidusertoken REST API

I've been using the cloud environment, which works fine. I just recently downloaded the standalone version and am successfully running it on my ubuntu server. All the PHP SDK calls work, and the api/v1/data/[X Table Name] CuRL requests…
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2 answers

NoSuchElementException thrown from ListView

I have a ListView which I pass an empty adapter to, which I then populate once data is pull from the server: Context mContext; List menuList = new ArrayList<>(); private Party party; public MenuAdapter(Context context) { mContext =…
The Hungry Androider
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0 answers

Facebook login with JavaScript SDK error: “This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings”

Description: I am developing ionic hybrid application with social logins(facebook,twitter and google+) using backendless. social logins are working in the desktop browser but not in real device. While debugging I got URL Blocked: This redirect…
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0 answers

Backendless: updating current user from inside handleResponse

@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == SELECT_PICTURE) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { Bitmap…
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