Questions tagged [backendless]

Backendless provides an instant backend to help developers build better apps faster.

The Backendless Platform is a tightly integrated system designed to streamline and accelerate application development process. Individual platform products can address requirements of developers working on mobile, web-based or enterprise applications. However the platform as a whole establishes a unified approach for building applications faster, at a reduced development cost and with the utmost reliability.

247 questions
1 answer

Async call to backendless data

This works, but it freezes the page during call: getAllNewEstate: function(callback) { function NewEstateData() {}; var items = Backendless.Persistence.of( NewEstateData ).find().data; callback(items) }, How can i make async…
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Backendless: delete row in 1st table when related row in another table is deleted

I have two tables. UserFavourites and Action. UserFavourites has Action as its property (column). I want the system to delete UserFavourite row, when related Action is deleted in Action table. Currently, When I delete a row in Action table, that is…
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Backendless: How to load only the data which belongs to the currently logged in user

I have two tables which has "photo URL" columns, that contain same image URL. So when I change value in one table, I would like the value in another to update automatically. So how can I set this relationship in Backendless? Like foreign key in…
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Getting parent element form backendless relations

I have table Places in Backendless, that has field Events (relationship with another table). Events table has field Places that has relationship with Places table. So, I want to get Place form Event object. When I try to load Events object, it does…
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Backendless iOS: intermediate table between two tables

I am new in Backendless and I have read all the manuals about relations, but still not sure how to create san intermediate table between two tables. For instance, I have table called users and tables called Events. A user can subscribe to events. So…
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check username password in "backendless"

I'm checking username and password before running an app developed in the usernames and passwords are stored in the "users" database in "backendless". i'm trying to use the following codes, however, it does not work. your help on this matter…
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2 answers

is there any chance to host firebase app without their hosting

I have a question, so im currently building back-end less app with firebase( auth and database). So, my question is how will work if my hosting is different(for example: upload my app there,what should i need to run properly my…
1 answer

How to save object with relation using JAVA in Backendless 4.0?

(SAVING DATA WITH RELATION USING BACKENDLESS 4.0) I would like to save data with one to one relation. example: -person_table have a relation with adress_table the data is save in person_table and address_table without relation. how can make this?…
1 answer

Entering data into Backend Less table

I started using Backend Less to support a project I'm making. But I'm unable to figure out how to enter data. Here's my code: var APP_ID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; var API_KEY =…
Saurav Sircar
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Swift: Return Backendless to table

Im having a problem on putting my received data(from backendless) to a tableview. As you can see on the image i have get data from Backendless and i have checked the data with print and it works. Now i want to put the data to my tableView, but it…
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Swift 3 syntax error (Backendless)

after updating my Xcode i'm getting error in backendless's find Syntax e.g. dataStore.find( { (result: BackendlessCollection!) -> Void in let contacts = result.getCurrentPage() for obj in contacts { …
remy boys
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how to create a class in android studio thats parallel table in backendless

how do i get a field type pointer from backendless table into a class (object) in android studio Building building = (Building) Backendless.UserService.CurrentUser().getProperty("building");
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Backendless Facebook SDK implementation

Is there a backendless implementation using Facebook SDK code example out there somewhere? I have done this and i can't see the user's data in my backend. Here is my code. private FacebookCallback mCallBack = new…
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How do I go about getting an object out of a collection, updating it and saving it?

Sorry for the ambiguous title. In order for me to save a specific object I need to query it, which returns a collection. How do I save that collection after I've edited it? Any help appreciated. func joinGroup() { var group = Groups() …
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Migrate from parse to backendless

i want to install backendless with terminal in my ubuntu 14.04 server at home and i don't have a clue. Also after migrating from parse to backendless, do i need to change my parse client sdk ? Thank you.
Ahmed Commando
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