Questions tagged [azure-security]

Use this tag for Azure Security questions

159 questions
3 answers

What are the ways to secure Azure functions

I have written 5 Azure functions in Azure Portal using c#. Below are the steps to install my application:- Copy deployment scripts to the Edge node of the cluster Deployment scripts to do the following Call Azure functions to do get my…
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Azure: Service Principal ID vs Application ID

According to this documentation: Application and Service principal are clearly two different things. Application is the global identity and Service principal is per Tenant/AAD But This Documentation and This Stack Overflow Question suggest they are…
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Authentication difference between using AAD app key and Service Principal Password

To run applications in Azure, I need to create an Application in Azure AD and a corresponding Service Principal. Then my application authenticates against this App/Principal pair. To authenticate, I can create an application key in the App…
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Use and setup of WAF with Azure App Service Web Application?

I run a number of App Service MVC Asp.Net web applications. I think it would be a good idea to add a WAF to the front the App Service website to enable OWASP protection as well as more visibility on suspicious attacks. Also I would want this to be…
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Connection to Azure Vault using MSI

I am trying to connect to my azure vault from a console application with using MSI For this vault i have added my user as the Selected Principle the code i am using to connect is var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(); var…
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Azure Functions storage account network security

I am currently working with a client that requires access to all Azure resource locking down as much as possible and I am having problems with the Storage Account that is utilised by our Azure Functions. With the Firewalls and Virtual Networks blade…
Phil Murray
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Azure App Service with WAF

I'm looking for some Azure security best practice advice. I've seen some articles around on how to do it, but not if its necessarily required. I have a customer who would like to move to Azure and they have specifically requested we stick to a PAAS…
0 answers

Azure Gateway WAF - Diagnostics Issue

I'm trying to setup Azure WAF (v2) on my App Gateway (currently in detection mode first to handle false positive cases), however, I'm seeing this warning: To view your detection logs, you must have diagnostics enabled. So, I went to Diagnostic…
2 answers

NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.deser.JSR310DateTimeDeserializerBase.findFormatOverrides on Databricks

I'm working on a rather big project. I need to use azure-security-keyvault-secrets, so I added following to my pom.xml file:
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Terraform reports 'No module called "name of the module" is declared' in "root" module

I have done exploration and I want to stick customized module concept rather than to use the Azure public registry of modules. Source code location is here I run terraform on command line with below…
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How to use @azure/identity with DefaultCredentials from 'az login' instead of service account when developing locally?

Not sure if this is already possible somehow or there's a different 'flow' that's expected and makes sense which I have yet to discover. We use @azure/keyvault-secrets + @azure/identity to access/manage all our secrets/keys across our applications…
0 answers

Running Windows Service on Azure VM with managed identity

When creating virtual machines, there is an option to create a managed identity for the machine for authenticating to other Azure resources such as storage accounts as referenced in the following Microsoft…
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How can i secure an Azure Website/Function from the WWW?

We have a API-based microservice system, where a public API gateway (.NET Nancy API running on Azure Website) calls into microserviced API's (various technologies) to return data. Currently, the microserviced API's are either Azure WebSites, or…
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What to do about "VA2065 - Server-level firewall rules" in SQL Vulnerability Assessment?

Working through an SQL Vulnerability assessment and one of the warnings is "VA2065 - Server-level firewall rules should be tracked and maintained at a strict minimum". There then is a list of firewall rules in red, with IP addresses next to them…
Bryan Schmiedeler
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1 answer

Microsoft Graph Security API - Issue with

I am trying to use Microsoft graph API threat Indicators API based on Azure sentinel recommended way of integrating threat intelligence sources for IOC ingestion to Sentinel Instance. I perform the following steps in linux curl to test the…
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