Questions tagged [azure-sdk]

Use this tag for questions that has to do with the several SDKs and command-line tools, provided by Microsoft Azure.

Azure SDK is an additional set of templates and tools that help you access even more cloud resources and services to improve your Azure development experience. Use these tools to deploy infinitely-scalable applications and APIs, configure diagnostics, create and manage app service resources, and more.

Source: Microsoft Azure

255 questions
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Azure ad sdk doesnot fetch Intunes company portal login for SSO

I have integrated Azure ad in my iOS app. I need to perform SSO when I have already logged into my Comp Portal app(Microsoft Intunes). Note: I am able to perform auto sign-in when I have Authenticator app installed, however this doesn't work if I…
1 answer

Azure Fluent API - AppServicePlanOperations.ListMetricsWithHttpMessagesAsync Returns InternalServerError

The documentation for this method can be found here Here is my code: var appServiceManager = AppServiceManager.Authenticate(credentials, subscriptionId); var filter = "(name.value eq 'CpuPercentage') and startTime eq…
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Throttling issue while listing Azure Storage Accounts

I am using Azure JAVA SDK and am trying to list the Storage Accounts for the subscription. But I am intermittently getting this exception response. Status code 429, …
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How Storage API can be used to get Azure Classic VM metrics?

Can we collect metrics for Azure Classic VM using Storage API or is there any other way to get the metrics for Azure Classic VM please suggest.
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Azure KeyVault iterate over all secrets in a vault

For the sake of simplicity let assume I want to build a dictionary from all the secrets in specific vault with the Secret Name and the Secret Value, using Azure REST API. The problem I'm facing is that the Get Secrets API call returns…
Shai Asher
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Trying to publish an Azure API. VS2017 doesn't seem to have the latest Azure SDK

I'm using Visual Studio 2017. I've developed a web API and I'm publishing it to Azure. The API isn't showing up in the Azure Portal, but it is in the Azure Resource Explorer. I did some research, and I found this article that says the the API is…
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Azure CDN - Custom Domain SSL via Resource Management API

Using the latest Azure Powershell SDK, but still can't seem to create Custom SSL Domains for CDNs in Azure via API Management. We have 100s of subdomains to create and need to be able to script the creation of this task for future extensibility.…
SliverNinja - MSFT
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Visual Studio "Add REST API Client" not working

I am unable to use the Add... REST API Client... option in Visual Studio 2015 with all the latest updates and Azure Tools v2.9 installed. When I select the option I am presented with the proper dialog to provide either a url or the file path for the…
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ITrustFrameworkPolicyCollectionPage "Can not be resolved to a type"

I am trying to use Graph APIs to get list of "Azure B2C AD TrustFrameworkPolicy" in Java These are my dependencies in the POM
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How to generate Security PIN from Recovery Services vault using .Net SDK?

Currently I am trying with below code but getting System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'. using Microsoft.Azure.Management.RecoveryServices.Backup; public static ISecurityPINsOperations SecurityPINs {…
2 answers

Create and Delete Availability Test using Azure SDK C#

Cannot find a way how to create or delete Availability Test with C# Azure SDK. I don't see anything in the fluent SDK and traditional either. I've managed to create Availability Test programmatically by using ARM template and running it with C#…
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How do I successfully enable the diagnostic settings of windows virtual machine using Rest API?

Enable diagnostic by Azure REST API: I'm using the Azure REST API to enable diagnostic. Below is the request that I send to Azure. Method: PUT HEADERS: Authorization:Bearer {Access_token} Content-Type:application/json Request…
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Which Azure ServiceBus SDK should be used?

At the time of this post there are two Azure Service bus SDKs sitting within sdk/servicebus: Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus They have both been updated very recently (past week). This ms doc (written two weeks ago)…
Mark Cooper
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Python class self value error, Expected type 'str' got Tuple[str] instead, azure ClientSecretCredential

I've created a class and trying to assign one of its values to something that expects a string, however it is saying it is getting a Tuple[str] instead, and I don't see how? from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential class…
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Azure Function App Cannot Read Base64 Encoded Message with Queue Trigger

I have two applications. The first one is a service written in C++ that produces messages to an Azure queue and a function app written in C# that consumes those messages. I write to the queue with Azure SDK void send_to_queue (const string &…
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