Questions tagged [azure-java-sdk]

Windows Azure Java SDK provides quick integration support for Java platform with Microsoft's Azure services.

Microsoft has provided the artifact microsoft-windowsazure-api for Java developers wanting to integrate with Azure using a managed Java library instead of coding around the Azure REST API. The Azure Java SDK supports Maven on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

216 questions
1 answer

Upload of large files using azure-sdk-for-java with limited heap

We are developing document microservice that needs to use Azure as a storage for file content. Azure Block Blob seemed like a reasonable choice. Document service has heap limited to 512MB (-Xmx512m). I was not successful getting streaming file…
1 answer

Listing blobs in Azure Blobstorage using Azure Java SDK V12 and ListBlobs() is extremely slow

I need to list all of the blobs in an Azure Blobstorage container. The container has circa 200,000~ blobs in it, and I'm looking to obtain the blob name, the last modified date, and the blob size. Following the documentation for the Azure Java SDK…
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3 answers

Azure Functions with java - How to get the logs written within the function?

I've deployed a queue triggered azure function with Java in Azure. I've added logback-classic and lombok in pom.xml for logging. But the logs are not displayed on the function's monitor > invocation details or the log-streaming service in…
Master Po
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2 answers

Azure Storage Java API: Account does not support HTTP

I am trying to use the Azure Storage Java API to check if a storage container exists and I am seeing the following exception. Any Idea what it means? ERROR ~ The account being accessed does not support…
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Connecting Azure Service Bus with Android

I wrote a simply java program (jdk 1.7) that lists all my service bus topics and prints out the name of each topic to stdout: try { String namespace = "myservicebus"; // from azure portal String issuer = "owner"; // from…
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2 answers

How to get list of Azure VMs (non-classic/Resource Managed) using Java API

How to get list of VMs (non-classic) using Java API, which are created using resource Manager? Why we need tenant id, client id and client key to create '' object? Can it be done using…
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The requested module '@azure/arm-authorization' is expected to be of type CommonJS

I am using Node 14.5.0 with a default Express.JS installation. I need to leverage the Azure SDK for Node using Imports and have changed the default express require from: const express = require('express') to: import express from 'express'; Express…
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3 answers

Cosmos Db Trigger is not being run when inserting new document

I am using Azure Cosmos DB. I have created a simple trigger in Azure Portal as follows: var context = getContext(); var request = context.getRequest(); // item to be created in the current operation var itemToCreate = request.getBody(); …
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2 answers

Azure Java SDK - set block blob to cool storage tier on upload

Is there a way to set the storage tier to “cool” at the blob level when uploading a block blob to Azure Storage using the Java SDK? The closest thing I can find is setStandardBlobTier() on BlobProperties, which is a protected method, so it can't be…
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Delete files in batch from azure blob storage using service account

I am using azure blob storage to store my project files. I have a service account of azure blob storage(client_id and client_secret).I have created CloudBlobClient using StorageCredentialsToken as below: StorageCredentialsToken credentialsToken =…
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Copy Blob in Azure Blob Storage using Java v12 SDK

My Application is in a Kubernetes cluster and I'm using Java v12 SDK to interact with the Blob Storage. To authorize against Blob Storage I'm using Managed Identities. My application needs to copy blobs within one container. I haven't found any…
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How to get blob Download Progress in Azure blob download

I want to download a large size blob from Azure blob storage. Let's say my blob size is 2 GB. I want to get the progress of the download in percentage using java-sdk so that I can show some pretty progress bar. I am using following code to download…
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Connection to Azure Service Bus using Java Spring Application - Timeout

I have written a client which tries to connect to Azure service bus. As soon as the server starts up i get the below errors and i receive no messages present at the queue. I tried replacing the sb protocol with amqpwss, but it dint…
1 answer

Azure Java SDK - How/ Which one to use?

I am very confused about using Azure Java SDK. Firstly, I found and started using version 1.31.1. I have been using this for a while but today my CI software failed to build my…
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Azure list Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers in Resource group using Azure Java SDK

What is the best and correct way to list Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers present in my Resource Group using Azure Java SDK? Currently, we have deployments that happen using ARM templates and once the resources have been deployed we want to be…
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