Questions tagged [azure-java-sdk]

Windows Azure Java SDK provides quick integration support for Java platform with Microsoft's Azure services.

Microsoft has provided the artifact microsoft-windowsazure-api for Java developers wanting to integrate with Azure using a managed Java library instead of coding around the Azure REST API. The Azure Java SDK supports Maven on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

216 questions
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Retrieve all Managed Devices using Java (with Microsoft Graph API SDK)

I would like to retrieve all devices managed by Intune (managed devices) using the Microsoft Graph Java SDK. I have created the app in Microsoft Azure and given the appropriate API permissions: API Permissions The following code creates a…
1 answer

Azure assign role to VM with Java SDK

I am writing a Java program that creates a VM and accesses files from a storage. However, I am having trouble to assign that VM the role "Storage contributor/owner", so that it can. I currently have this code, but I'm not sure if it's what I need…
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How to ensure a blob filename is unique on Azure Storage

I want to ensure the files I put on Azure storage are unique. My naive and badly performing approach is to use Java UUID to generate unique id and then check to see if the blob exists, and then write the file if not or regenerate new filename and…
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CosmosDBInput binding of Azure Function is not using path Variable defined in HttpTrigger

I have created a function with Kotlin using azure-functions-kotlin-archetype. I have created a Http Trigger and a cosmos input binding to read data from the cosmos. I have mentioned sql query also to fetch the data. I want to pass path variable to…
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How do I access BlockBlobClient in Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers?

I'm attempting to use BlockBlobClient in a browser page to upload a file using a server-supplied sastoken / URL, similar to this C# code: var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(assetUploadUrl)); blob.UploadFromFile(FilePath,…
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Azure Blob Error: StorageException: The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met

So I have a function that simply downloads text from blob storage every 10 minutes and checks for a result. This function can run for days. But it often (roughly every day) fails before finishing with the following error. Caused by:…
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Best way to use List Blob and BeginCopy async of azure java sdk v12.0.6

Requirement : I want to list blobs from container and then copy it to other storage account using azure java sdk version 12.0.6. I am facing same issue with listBlob and beginCopy method. Since I am also using async client, the spring boot…
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How to change the public access level of a blob in Azure using setAccessPolicy

How to change the blob access policy? At the moment I am able to create some test blobs using the azure quick start. This works great but the blobs have a public access level of private by default in my case. I want to set public access level from…
Tobias S
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2 answers

How to use "" package for azure java sdk

It's specified in this page, Java 8 or later is required to use libraries under the package, for libraries under the package Java 7 or later is required. Does that mean I…
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Azure Java SDK: container with multiple volumes

I need to mount 2 separate directories as volumes to a newly creted container. So far I've found the way to mount only one volume since there's no way to add a file share volume via withNewAzureFileShareVolume more than once. Here's my…
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How to create the SqlQuerySpec in Java in order to retrieve a list of documents with given ids (where-in clause)

I am working on Azure Cosmos DB with SQL Api. I am using Azure SDK from: azure-documentdb 2.4.7 I have a list of ids, and I…
2 answers

Java Api for Azure Cosmos Documents DB (SQL Api)

I have started to work with Azure Cosmos DB Sql Api. I have found two different Java APIs which can be used to manage this database: After following Quick start demo (available in the Azure portal Quick start section) I…
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azure-java-sdk: Azure Java SDK installation without Maven

Due to my company's network policies, I am unable to use Maven to install Azure Java SDK. Is there any way at all to install Azure Java SDK without Maven? Thanks
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Connecting to Azure service bus through proxy - Java

I am trying to implement the Azure service bus with help of java to receive messages from the queue but I am unable to connect to the service bus because of a proxy, I am getting a connection time exception i.e.…
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Generated URLs for HTTPS connections are coming out as plain HTTP in Azure Web App

I have a Java webapp running on Tomcat deployed to Azure App Service. The authentication is handled via Azure AD. Everything seems to working fine in Local environment. When we deploy the app to Azure, the httpRequest.getScheme() always return HTTP…
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