Questions tagged [azure-function-app-proxy]

73 questions
2 answers

Azure Http Triggers function calls

I would like a Http Trigger function to call another Http Trigger function. Basically, I am trying to access via the URL (HTTP request) the Trigger 1, which that Trigger 1 will call Trigger 2. What I am thinking is to put the fix URL for Trigger 2,…
Justin B.
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2 answers

How to add proxies.json to read only function app?

I have a Function App and deployed functions using Visual Studio, so it became read only and unable to add proxies to read only function app. How can I add proxies to my Function App from Visual Studio?
4 answers

Azure function published but not running, "no data available"

I can publish a Azure function from Visual Studio without an error. This funtion is set to run every 4 seconds ("*/4 * * * * *") but it is not running at all. Even if I try to run it manually it do not run and show the following error: Status: 404…
2 answers

How to Upload my local Azure Function App Project to Azure Function Run time?

I have created an Azure Function App project using visual Studio 2017 for getting the API to my personal use, and I have already installed the Azure Function Runtime(Preview) setup. My question is, how can I upload my local project to the Azure…
Ismayil S
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1 answer

local.settings.json is not part of "publish" folder and deployment is unsuccessful

I created a Azure function using .net core 2.0 and core tools. It is a HttpTrigger function. I used dotnet restore dotnet publish -c Release to create the publish files. 2 files and 2 folders I can see in my publish folder under…
1 answer

Azure Function App Publish Target Missing in Visual Studio

I'm trying to publish an Azure Function to already deployed Azure Function App, which is in my subscription. But Publish target for the Function app is missing. This is a newly created Function and all other existing function has the publish target…
Evan Park
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1 answer

Setting custom response header with Azure Function in proxies.json

I am trying to add a custom HTTP header to all of my responses of my Azure Functions - lets call it X-Custom. Then I add a proxies.json file like this to my functions project: { "$schema": "", "proxies": { …
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1 answer

How to create custom column into azure applicationInsights

My application is Microsoft Azure Function App. Using with HttpTrigger along with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging - ILogger. How to add custom column into Application Insights - Request, trace table. That column to co-relate the application reference…
1 answer

can't see Azure Function in Function app UI from web portal

I can't see function listed under function app. So ultimately can't see monitor or logs as well. Can upload from VS Can logon to appservice editor and see function listed there. If I try to create new function or access excising it keep…
1 answer

Adapting hypermedia links based on environment

I have an on-premise ASP.NET Web API that's querying on-premise data. The plan is for the client web application to call an Azure Function which will deal with authentication (Azure AD B2C) and validating the request before actually forwarding the…
1 answer

Appsetting.json is not working with Azure function app after deployment

We are trying to create azure function app using .NET pre-compiled libraries (without .NET core) and all application configurations we have added in appsettings.json file that is working fine locally. We are able to get the key's value using below…
1 answer

How is the cost for Azure Function proxy calculated?

We have lots of images in Azure Blob Storage (LRS Hot). We calculate around 15 million downloads per month for a total of 5000 GB egress (files are on average 350kB). I can calculate the price for the Blob Storage but the Function proxy is unknown.…
Mathias Rönnlund
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1 answer

Azure Function Proxy Internal Server Error 500 from SocketException

I have an Azure Function that uses proxies and forwards to another azure function as the backend. There is an /api/ping endpoint that accepts a GET. When I send a HTTP-GET to ping I occasionally get a 500 Internal Server Error that it faulted where…
Justin Neff
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0 answers

Azure Function Proxies Configuration is Being Ignored

I tried creating a simple Azure Functions App through the UI both on Linux and Windows machines and it works. However having a simple proxies configuration seems to be completely ignored. It doesn't work locally either using the provided Docker base…
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1 answer

Azure functions proxies Invalid URI: noSlash

I am trying to use an Azure function proxy to allow CORS on an API which I don't have access to the server for. I have followed the steps in this article I have the route template as /qless/{*rest} and the backend URL as…
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