Questions tagged [azure-diagnostics]

Allows to collect various diagnostics data (performance counters, logs, crash dumps, ...) from Azure roles to Azure Storage.

Windows Azure Diagnostics allows to collect on Azure Storage various diagnostics data on Azure Roles (such as performance counters, IIS logs, event logs and custom logs).

Windows Azure Diagnostics has a fine grained configuration:

  • each role can be configured differently;
  • data can be transferred from roles to Azure Storage periodically or on demand;
  • configuration can be changed from outside Azure, without requiring reboots or redeployments;
  • Diagnostics can collect additional and/or custom data (for example, Windows Azure Caching diagnostics info).
356 questions
3 answers

Delete old Windows Azure Diagnostics data from table storage (performance counters, etc.)

I have several Windows VMs running on Azure that are configured to collect performance counters and event logs. All of this is configured in the "Diagnostic settings..." on the VM resource inside Azure Portal. There's a Windows Azure Diagnostics…
1 answer

Enable Azure diagnostics logging using a CLI

I am trying to achieve achieve this, however I would like to enable diagnostics logging using whatever form of non-human interaction possible. I would like to incorporate something that enables diagnostics logging during my build step, by default…
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Azure Diagnostics not working in my Worker Role

I'm trying to get trace logs for my worker role in windows azure but it's not working and cannot see any error. I've configured my application to use azure diagnostics as explained here:…
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Turning On Diagnostics in Azure eats up transactions - MACommand.xml

We were just trying out the Azure Storage Analytics Service, and something very unusual caught our attention. The transaction count for the diagnostics storage account ( the account to which the Diagnostics Service writes it's data) was extremely…
Yaron Levi
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1 answer

Running With DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener Outside of Azure Compute Emulator

We're using DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener as a general trace listener (primarily for for ASP.NET Health Monitoring) as well as an Enterprise Library 5 listener for exception handling. This works well when running on Azure but it's important that we…
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3 answers

How to configure Azure logging after upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.2

Are upgrading from ASP.NET Core 2.1 to ASP.NET Core 2.2 and following the official documentation guide. Got a problem with writing the new logging configuration in Startup.cs. Specifically problems on how to handle the AzureWebAppDiagnostics. The…
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Why can't configure Azure diagnostics to use Azure Table Storage via new Azure Portal?

I am developing a web api which will be hosted in Azure. I would like to use Azure diagnostics to log errors to Azure table storage. In the Classic portal, I can configure the logs to go to Azure table storage. Classic Portal Diagnostic…
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2 answers

Cannot load imported module named 'Diagnostics.'

The build from VS 2013 breaks with the following error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.5\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets(684,5): error : CloudServices58 : Cannot load imported module named…
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0 answers

Cannot find Clear-WindowsAzureLog

There are several references to Clear-WindowsAzureLog, including one here - Windows Azure - Cleaning Up The WADLogsTable However, I can't find it in the latest release of the Azure Powershell ( Has it been…
1 answer

Windows Azure - "The configuration file is missing a diagnostic connection string for one or more roles"

In Windows Azure Management Management portal, when I try to monitor the instances, I get the following error: The configuration file is missing a diagnostic connection string for one or more roles. Monitoring can't be enabled for these roles. I…
Dragos Durlut
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Azure instances from 0 to 3 not writing diagnostics data in WadPerformanceCountersTable

I am trying to query data from Azure WadPerformanceCountersTable. I am trying to get the last 5 minutes of data. The problem is that I only get data from instances nr. 4,5 and 6, but not from 0,1,2 and 3. The script I am using to pull de data is…
Dragos Durlut
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1 answer

Why doesn't Windows Azure Diagnostics reliably log?

We are having problems getting Windows Azure Diagnostics to reliably log. It seems hit-or-miss and we don't understand why. Here's our code that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't: public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint { public override void…
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Diagnostics configuration for Azure Deployment throws an error

I'm trying to get diagnostics to work on my Azure Web Worker Role. I start out with the stock Web Worker Role solution by selecting 'New Project/Azure Cloud Service'. If I de-select the 'Enable Diagnostics' on the properties Worker Role, then I…
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1 answer

WorkerRole log4net Trace appender logs not appearing in output window

I have a number of Worker Role projects that I would like to utilize the log4net functionality to log the information. unfortunately none of my logs are actually appearing in my output window. I step over a log line in the debugger, and the output…
Nathan Tregillus
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2 answers

Azure SDK, Trace.Information and WADLogsTable

I am writing a new Cloud Service in .NET using Azure SDK 2.5. I'm aware that there have been some significant changes to diagnostics with the 2.5 SDK rekesae. Where I am getting conflicting information is whether or not I can still use Azure…
Gavin Osborn
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