Questions tagged [azure-diagnostics]

Allows to collect various diagnostics data (performance counters, logs, crash dumps, ...) from Azure roles to Azure Storage.

Windows Azure Diagnostics allows to collect on Azure Storage various diagnostics data on Azure Roles (such as performance counters, IIS logs, event logs and custom logs).

Windows Azure Diagnostics has a fine grained configuration:

  • each role can be configured differently;
  • data can be transferred from roles to Azure Storage periodically or on demand;
  • configuration can be changed from outside Azure, without requiring reboots or redeployments;
  • Diagnostics can collect additional and/or custom data (for example, Windows Azure Caching diagnostics info).
356 questions
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How to customize Azure DiagnosticTraceMonitor output

I'm setting up logging for Azure service. Currently, messages I get in wadlogstable look like this: 635193311660155844 deployment21(67) …
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Azure Diagnostics wrt Custom Logs and honoring scheduledTransferPeriod

I have implemented my own TraceListener similar to . One thing I noticed is that that logs show up immediately in My Azure Table Storage. …
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Azure Diagnostics- is there a way to override default storage

We have a need to store diagnostics data in more than one place, and I'm wondering- is it possible to hook into diagnostics module to have additional actions performed while data being saved? What I want to achieve is to have diagnostics data in…
Michael Baranov
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Remoting to azure webrole

I am trying to remote to my Azure webrole and I am getting a message saying .I was able to remote into this webrole while I was in office network.But when I am at home its giving me this error message .It looks like ,the remote computer is not…
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Azure Cloud Deployment - Log Monitoring

I have deployed my azure cloud service, but some of my instances stays unhealthy and keep recycling. I see 'Recycling (Role has encountered an error and has stopped. Sites were deployed.' in status column for unhealthy instances. I enabled…
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Can't show Debug output on Visual Studio 2012

I tried to configure the storage for my debugging data in Azure Storage by following the instructions in this page (source). After doing this the outputs from Diagnostics like Debug.WriteLine stopped appearing on the Debug output of Visual Studio…
1 answer

Azure when does wad-control-container gets populated

I uploaded the azure web application with custom dianostics.wadcfg and also included the onstart() function to transfer logs to azure storage on schedule basis. However, the wad-control-container is always empty. I would have thought that this…
Nil Pun
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WADPerformanceCountersTable is not created

I am trying to collect some performance counters from a worker role and WADPerformanceCountersTable is never created. public override bool OnStart() { // Set the maximum number of concurrent connections …
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Why aren't my IIS Logs being copied for my Azure web role?

This is a follow up on this question. I used Cerebrata Diagnostics Manager Remote Diagnostics to try to turn on IIS logs. I hadn't deployed with it on. It seemed to work and a few files were copied. Then it never seemed to work again. I tweaked…
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Do I have to redeploy an Azure Web Role to turn on IIS Logging?

I have an Azure web role running an MVC Web API site. I'm using the diagnostics.wadcfg file to configure logging. So far I've just be using tracing and I view it with the Azure Diagnostics Monitor 2 from Cerebrata/Redgate. All is well. I wanted…
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Azure diagnostics - is a custom performance counter necessary to get requests counters by url?

I am aware that Requests\Sec, Requests Total etc. counters are available for free (they just need to be set up to be collected and transferred). Is anyone aware of any counters that are available which give some data based split by the http request…
Skill M2
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Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type Autoscaler, key ""

Exception: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type Autoscaler, key "" Stack Trace: at IUSCRM.WebRole.OnStart() in D:\Windows Azure Cloud\Samples\Windows Azure HelloWorld Sample\C#\HelloWorld_WebRole\WebRole.cs:line 43 at…
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How to login on azure virtual machine using domain Admin credentials, In domain added machine

I have created two virtual machine on azure. in one machine I have configured Active Directory/Domain Controller and added other machine in configured domain. The question is how to login on second machine using Domain Administrator…
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WADPerformanceCounters, HR and HRI Tables

I'm using Azure and I'm using performance counters. I have seen that performance counters are stored in WADPerformanceCountersTable. I have seen too that some kind of tables related with performance counters are created. The names are WADPTMRTable…
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Azure OnDemand transfer doesn't transfer Local Storage Directories?

I've configured Azure Diagnostics to transfer Local Storage (10MB, my custom log and dump data files). My periodic transfer of directory -> blob work just fine. It's the on-demand ones that don't seem to work. I manually created the blob as well as…
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