Questions tagged [azure-devops]

Azure DevOps is a suite of 5 services you use together or independently. For example, Azure Pipelines provides build services (CI) as well as release management for continuous delivery (CD) to any cloud and on-premises servers. Azure Repos provides unlimited private Git hosting, Azure Boards provides agile planning (issues, Kanban, Scrum, and dashboards). Please note that there's a separate tag for Azure DevOps Server (formerly TFS) - the on-prem version.

Azure DevOps (previously known as Visual Studio Team Services or Visual Studio Online) is the home for your project data in the cloud and provided by Microsoft.

Questions about Azure DevOps (including ) may be more appropriate at one of the other Stack Exchange sites, such as

You can get up and running in minutes and deploy to any cloud provider, including Microsoft Azure, using any language and IDE.

You can set up an environment that includes everything from hosted Git repos and project tracking tools, to continuous integration and continuous deployment. Azure DevOps includes:

  • Azure pipelines CI/CD that works with any language, platform, and cloud. Connect to GitHub, Azure Repos or any Git repository and deploy continuously.
  • Azure boards Powerful work tracking with Kanban boards, backlogs, team dashboards, and custom reporting.
  • Azure artifacts Maven, npm, and NuGet package feeds from public and private sources.
  • Azure repos Unlimited cloud-hosted private Git repos for your project. Collaborative pull requests, advanced file management, and more.
  • Azure test plans All in one planned and exploratory testing solution.


For Open source projects, get unlimited users and build time for free with up to 10 parallel jobs on Linux, Windows or macOS hosted on servers by Microsoft.

For small teams the first 5 users are free:

  • Azure pipelines: 1 hosted job with 1,800 minutes per month for CI/CD and 1 self-hosted job
  • Azure boards: Work item tracking and Kanban boards
  • Azure repos: Unlimited private Git repos
  • Azure artifacts: Package management
  • Load testing (20,000 VUMs/month)
  • Unlimited stakeholders

For growing teams, there are additional non-commitment monthly user plans available for additional team members starting at around $6 per user per month. Find out more here.


New features and updates are introduced to Azure DevOps Services every 3 weeks. Users will receive new features before they are rolled up into an update to the on-premises Team Foundation Server product. The release notes for each deployment is available by RSS feed and is summarized into an Azure DevOps Features timeline available here.

Tag usage

It is recommended to use the tag along with the specific product area tags:

Other resources

We have channels that you can also voice your concerns, FAQs, documentation and submit an idea:

20680 questions
1 answer

What is the VSTS Link Settings feature?

I am talking about this: The documentation I found is here -, but I must be plain stupid, because I do not understand one bit of it. I do not know why it is so…
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Azure Pipelines: task PublishBuildArtifacts avoid zip

So I'm running this command - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'dotnet publish' inputs: command: 'publish' publishWebProjects: false projects: 'src/myproj/*.csproj' arguments: -o $(build.artifactStagingDirectory) And it is…
Kat Lim Ruiz
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1 answer

Import Global list to Azure DevOps Hosted XML Process template

I performed a TFS to Azure DevOps(VSTS) migration for a customer. The target process template is an Hosted XML Process template. According to Microsoft's documentation, it is possible to import Global lists to the Organization(collection), but when…
5 answers

Why does visual studio exclude BIN and OBJ folders at Azure DevOps checkin

I want to know what is the generic way to check-in code on Azure DevOps from Visual Studio or Git-Bash that has been coded in Visual Studio. The problem that occurs is the bin folder contains many third party dll's which are kept in the source…
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1 answer

How can I link multiple email address to one user in Azure DevOps?

Our organization has users making commits from home or 'out of the office' frequently. I've noticed a lot of commits from personal email addresses (most likely when the users are working on their own device). These two commits are from the same…
Kyle Burkett
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2 answers

When will dark theme on Azure DevOps be enabled?

Sprint 142 updates indicate Azure DevOps now supports a dark theme. It suggests that underneath your avatar in the top right of every page, you can turn it on by selecting theme. I see no Theme option, as per the link. How is the feature enabled or…
Dean K.
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Asp Core Web App, 404 when deploying with Azure Devops, 200 when publishing via Visual studio

I have a web app that when I publish to an Azure App Service via Visual Studio it works great but when the app is built and published via Azure dev ops (all tasks report success), I get a 404 from the home page. I'm just doing a plain publish of…
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1 answer

Build mvc 4.5 website on azure devops

I am new on azure devops and not an expert on builds and I have a problem creating a build of an ASP.NET MVC 4.5 project In my "BuildSolution" task, I have the following MsBuild arguments : /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem…
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1 answer

What are the "Pre-job" and "Post-job" tasks appearing in Azure DevOps Pipeline Logs?

I've got my Pipeline tasks as follows: (key one is Signing and aligning APK file(s) one). When I am looking at logs of the build(s), apart from the Signing and aligning APK file(s) task logs there I also see Pre-job: Signing and aligning APK…
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How to give an Azure Devops private Windows Agent access to SupportedAPIs-x64.xml?

When I running my Azure Devops build pipeline for a UWP app locally via a private Windows Agent, it complains that it cannot access C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\SupportedAPIs-x86.xml The agent service is using the…
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1 answer

How to modify Azure DevOps release definition variable from a release task?

What is the easiest way to get key rotation to work for azure storage accounts from a AzureDevOps relase task? The current plan is to re-generate the old key after release to invalidate it, and have a fresh key that can be used on next deployment.…
1 answer

Why do build drafts not merge/notify about merge conflicts on draft publishing?

Assume the following build Powershell Task Write-Host 'Original1'; We create the following draft Powershell Task Write-Host 'Original1';Write-Host 'Draft2'; At the same time we had to change the original build - set Continue on Error, for…
Eugene Podskal
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1 answer

Having no permission for updating Variable Group via Azure DevOps REST API from running Pipeline

In a nutshell, I am trying to update a Variable Group when executing a PowerShell script from a build Pipeline (increasing a build number, but this part is not so important). As it suggested in this topic and Azure DevOps docs I use code similar…
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Binary file path for Deploy to Visual Studio App Center

I have the following build pipe line which I created using the Universal Windows Platform Template. I want to deploy to the app center. What do I put for the Binary File Path? I see the help states Relative path from the repo root to the APK or…
Kirsten Greed
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2 answers

Resetting build policy on branch update in VSTS / Azure DevOps

I'm using a build policy on one of my Azure DevOps git branches. Is there any way of requiring a manually triggered branch build policy be run again if the source branch is updated? My branch policy is set to Manual trigger. We use Manual instead…
Ciaran O'Neill
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