Questions tagged [azure-blockchain-service]

Tag for questions addressing the Azure Blockchain Service from Microsoft. You might also add the generic blockchain-tag to your question.

31 questions
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Why Access key of azure blockchain service stops working at a fixed time everyday?

I've deployed smartcontract using the same access key and also wrote and read the data through API. But suddenly I'm unable to connect. The connection isn't continuous. I'm unable to connect from metamask as well, when it stops working for my…
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Is there a pricing calculator for azure-blockchain-workbench or azure baas using hyperledger fabric?

I am reading about I want to know what is the pricing options available for this…
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Visibility of Source Code and Business Information in Ethereum blockchain

Is it correct that everyone can see my source code once smart contract code has been published to blockchain? Is it correct that everyone can see application's businesss state and information saved in blockchain? For example, the example below sends…
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Can I use eth in azure blockchain service?

I what to use eth in azure blockchain service with quorum protocol. When I started azure blockchain service, my member's default balance was 0 eth. How to set default eth or how to set genesis block ??
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Azure Blockchain Workbench REST API

I am currently trying to access all the information from my Blockchain Workbench. I use the REST Workbench API. The only problem is that I only get 404 errors if I want to get all the available actions for a contract. Here is my HTTP request: And…
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What are Self Sovereign Identities?

Basically trying to find resources to understand Sovereignty wrt to identities. How Identities are maintained within Hyperledger Indy? how can the decentralized digital nature of identities benefit to avoid data and identity thefts? How can the…
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connect to an existing blockchain by azure

when creating a blockchain in azure, it has two choice for us ; create a new blockchain or an existing one. my question is that can we become a node of another existing blockchain out of azure( e.g. on IBM cloud) or it just can have a simple…
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How can I obtain private key from Azure Blockchain Service?

I am not sure how I can obtain private key from Azure Blockchain Service. I would like to use Etherium connector on Logic App. Without private key, the flow fails. Error message is as below; { "status": 400, "message": "No private key was…
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Azure Ethereum(PoW) Blockchain issues

I'm trying to run Ethereum Blockchain network with Azure Blockchain Service but I stuck with some issues.... And below I described one of them. I will realy apreciate any advice and help from people who alredy has experience with Azure Blockchain…
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How to get ABI of Smart Contract with Nethereum?

I can access a Blockchain Service based on Quorum, and I'm using Nethereum Library to interact with Smart Contract. When I deploy a new Smart Contract, Nethereum gives the address and the ABI of SmartContract. But I can't access the ABI of…
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Gas related error deploying contract on Quorum @ Azure blockchain service

I am able to deploy contracts on ganache and test networks using migrations that includes sending some eth to one of the contracts deployer.deploy(Oracle, {from: accounts[0], gas:6721975, value: 0.25e18}); However, when I deploy the Oracle contract…
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Building a Logic App to call a smart contract (with ethereum connector) : I got an error : "On the logic app designer Error executing the api"

I am testing Azure services using a free subscription account and I want to build a logic app with an ethereum connector and I followed this tutorial by Microsoft: I was able to build my own consortium,…
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Error running npx truffle unbox Azure-Samples/Blockchain-Ethereum-Template via VS Code

I have the error below when creating a new project following the steps below: Create a smart contract From the VS Code command palette, choose Azure Blockchain: New Solidity…
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BadGateway Logic App Smart Contract Event connector with Infura API

I am getting an error on azure blockchain connector trying to listen to a Smart Contract Event on the public ethereum main net. These are the input and output details { "method": "get", "queries": { "abi":…
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How to setup hyperledger fabric explorer | Hyperledger Fabric consortium on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

I set up hyperledger fabric network by reading this document Hyperledger Fabric consortium on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Network side everything worked properly. Now I wanted to set up hyperledger fabric explorer for this network. In order to…
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