Questions tagged [aws-sdk-net]

Anytime you've some question/problem using AWS SDK for .NET . It's the official package to work with AWS services using .NET

AWS SDK for .NET. The SDK helps take the complexity out of coding by providing .NET APIs for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB and more. The SDK can be downloaded from NuGet or installed using the MSI package, which also includes the AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 editions and the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell.

NuGet is the recommended way to install AWS SDK for .NET packages. NuGet Package Manager will install the correct assemblies for your project type - .NET 3.5, 4.5, or Portable Class Library.

Official Doc

173 questions
5 answers

No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured

I am writing code to upload files to AWS S3 and receiving this exception: AmazonClientException: No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured My code: Console.WriteLine("ready to upload"); AWSCredentials credentials; credentials = new…
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4 answers

How to set credentials on AWS SDK on NET Core?

I'm new to AWS SDK and I'm trying to follow the AWS documentation, but gives little to none on what exactly I need to setup. The official docs tell me to add this to the appsettings.json: { "AWS": { "Profile": "local-test-profile", …
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3 answers

How to send a response card using AWS Lambda in C#

Hi I am developing a chatbot on amazon lex and I want to send a response card using the lambda function but on using response card function inside the close response format it gives the error of null exception. Can anyone tell the solution to it? PS…
1 answer

AWS S3 ListMultipartUploads : access denied

I have followed this blog in order to setup my AWS IAM and S3 accounts with Web Identity Federation. I am able to authenticate and receive session credentials and tokens all fine. I am also able to Download and Upload objects. However, I am getting:…
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The correct way to query DynamoDb table with .net SDK

I'm trying to understand how to query a table in dynamo using the DataModel. But, I found two ways that seems to work and I can't find an explanation or documentation of what's happening or if there is any difference between them. The ways of doing…
1 answer

How to get AWS Fargate task instance metadata inside running container?

When a task launches inside of AWS Fargate, it has a task id (guid) that is used for Cloudwatch logs and can be used as a unique "run id". I am launching a .NET core application into a AWS container and would like to find a programmatic way to pull…
1 answer

How to authenticate using Enabled Identity Provider

I'm looking for documentation on how to extend our existing Cognito Authentication process to include additional "Enabled Identity Providers". Currently we do the following var userPool = new CognitoUserPool(poolId, clientId, provider); var user =…
Ralph Shillington
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Amazon S3 high CPU usage with 100 PutObject calls (.NET)

We are using Amazon S3 for storing up to 500K data. We have a .NET 4.0 web service installed on EC2 instance, which makes the PutObject call with 500K data. The problem is that when we make more than 100 simultaneous calls (with unique S3 keys) to…
1 answer

Use IAmazonDynamoDB or IDynamoDBContext (both?)

I started my Visual Studio project from AWS SDK template. It uses IDynamoDBContext in the function and IAmazonDynamoDB in the tests. Everything worked to save and received documents when I received them with an id (hash). But it stopped to work when…
0 answers

AWS SDK .NET Dependency Injection with Assume Role credentials

Versions .net core sdk v3.1.301 AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup v3.3.101 AWSSDK.IdentityManagement v3.3.106.19 AWSSDK.SecurityToken v3.3.105.30 Definitions Since this question talks about different types of AWS credentials I thought it would be…
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1 answer

Is there a way to determine AWS SES service availability in a region?

Is there a way to determine if ses has a local region available using AWS SDK? After registering e-mail service with Core Middleware services.AddAWSService() I want to find and assign the SES local region to e-mail service…
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1 answer

Failed to create AmazonGameLiftClient in Unity3d

I use below code to create GameClient in Unity3d: AmazonGameLiftClient client = new AmazonGameLiftClient("accessKeyId", "accessKey", RegionEndpoint.CNNorth1); Above code is…
2 answers

Determine current AWS region .Net?

Is there a way to determine the current AWS region in .Net? I've been able to find a way to do this in java but cannot find the equivalent in .Net.
1 answer

Getting Timestamp error in AWS SDK .net

I'm trying to use Amazon's AWS SDK for .NET, S3 storage. I use this code: using (var client = new AmazonS3Client(AwsAccessKey, AwsSecretAccessKey, new AmazonS3Config { ServiceURL = ServiceUrl })) { var request = new…
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AWS .Net API - The provided token has expired

I am facing this weird scenario. I generate my AWS AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey and SessionToken by running assume-role-with-saml command. After copying these values to .aws\credentials file, I try to run command "aws s3 ls" and can see all the S3…
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