Questions tagged [aws-sdk-net]

Anytime you've some question/problem using AWS SDK for .NET . It's the official package to work with AWS services using .NET

AWS SDK for .NET. The SDK helps take the complexity out of coding by providing .NET APIs for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB and more. The SDK can be downloaded from NuGet or installed using the MSI package, which also includes the AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 editions and the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell.

NuGet is the recommended way to install AWS SDK for .NET packages. NuGet Package Manager will install the correct assemblies for your project type - .NET 3.5, 4.5, or Portable Class Library.

Official Doc

173 questions
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Extracting Identity from lambda authorizer response

I made a custom lambda authorizer that validates the JWT and returns Allow policy. var context = new APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerContextOutput(); var tokenUse = ExtractClaims(claims, "token_use"); context["tokenType"] = tokenUse; var response =…
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Multiple applications with different IAM roles on EC2

I have multiple AspNetCore applications running on a Windows Server 2016 EC2. All these applications require to assume different IAM roles based on their permissions. These applications run under the local system account and since the profile file…
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Subscribe to Topics using AWS-IOT with .NET

I have spent many hours looking for a way to subscribe to a topic using the AWSSDK.IoT library. I can publish easily enough, but can't figure out the subscription part. I am using the AmazonIotDataClient (AWSSDK.IotData), but have also tried the…
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S3 presigned URL fails when deployed to Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to use a presigned URL to upload files to S3. It works fine in my testing enviroment, but when I try and use the same code in the live environment (on elastic beanstalk) it returns an "AccessDenied" error. I notice that the live request…
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AmazonCognitoIdentityProviderClient Signup throwing exception in Xamarin

I tried the following code and I am getting an exception when I call "providerClient.SignUpAsync" with a message Unable to store key CognitoIdentity:IdentityId:us-east-1:d8dce20b-7e3a-454a-afe5-xxxxxxxxxxxx, got error: -34018 I am not able to find…
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Why AWS Explorer for VS2017 doesn't want "Session" profile types?

Background: In our organisation we have a bunch of AWS Accounts. We use one of them to define all the IAM users, one for each developer. Then every team has a different AWS Account. To work into an account, a developer has to impersonate a Role,…
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Upload Files To S3 from Browser and Secure AWS Creds

i am developing a small application in MVC ,in which i am uploading file to s3 directly from browser ,below is my code , but the problem is since it is in JavaScript my Access key and Secret key is expose , is there any way i can hide it or…
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AWS SDK (C#) - how it create describe instances request that filters-out vms with specific tagkey

I've seen several solutions for AWS CLI, but I'm not sure how to translate these queries into aws .net sdk. Given: Aws .net sdk; AWS instances with specific tag key (e.g. EXCLUDE_ME) Problem: need to create an instance of Amazon.EC2.Model.Filter…
Serhii T.
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await on Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.UploadPartAsync not resolving

I am awaiting a call to Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.UploadPartAsync but the await never resolves even though I am sure that the request has been fulfilled. private async Task
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How to process large zip file using AWS lambda?

I want to read 100K+ files from s3 and zip them into single large file. The individual file size can range between few Kb to 1MB and the final zip file could go easily beyond 3GB. Given AWS Lambda has memory limitation of 3GB and tmp directory…
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Does AWS SDK for .NET communicate in a secure channel with S3 servers?

Does anyone know if the AWS SDK for .NET always uses a secure channel when I download/upload files from/to S3 buckets? Or this is something that should be configured when I write the code or into the S3 buckets itself? The question is similar to one…
Lawan subba
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How to download multiple files at once from S3 using C# AWS SDK

How to download multiple files from s3 buckets. I could not find any better option on SO. Here is my code for single file download. Given list of Urls, I am looping to download multiple files. public async Task Download(string url, Stream…
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UnityInitializer class is missing when adding awssdk core library in Unity

I was recently trying to add the NET4.5 AWSSDK Core and GameLift libraries to my game in order to use aws GameLift services. In the tutorials I follow, it says that I need to use the functions within UnityInitializer class that is supposed to be…
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Execute managed AWS Config rule on demand via SDK

Is it possible to run a managed AWS Config rule (for example on demand via the SDK? Scenario: As a consultant I want to easily assess a customer's environment…
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CS0122: 'AmazonGlacierClient.ListVaults()' is inaccessible due to its protection level

I am getting the following error: Program.cs(42,34): error CS0122: 'AmazonGlacierClient.ListVaults()' is inaccessible due to its protection level…
Pompey Magnus
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