Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

AWS Fargate is a service within Amazon Web Services that allows for running containers without managing servers or clusters. Use this tag for questions about AWS Fargate. For context, also tag your question with [amazon-ecs] or [amazon-eks] to denote which managed container service you're using.

AWS Fargate is a compute engine for deploying and managing containers without having to manage any of the underlying infrastructure (servers or clusters). AWS Fargate supports Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS.

Usage guidance

Use this tag for questions about AWS Fargate. For context, also tag your question with or to denote which managed container service you're using.


922 questions
1 answer

Git clone private repo in AWS ECS

I'm trying to download all private repos in my organisation. I have a script that I want to run once a day using Fargate. The problem I'm experiencing when running it is below: Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address…
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Terraform Fargate ECS giving invalid or unknown key: requires_compatibilities

I ran Terraform plan on a Terraform script to enable Fargate but I get the following error: Error: aws_ecs_task_definition.task: : invalid or unknown key: requires_compatibilities and Error: aws_ecs_service.service: : invalid or unknown key:…
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AWS Fargate ECS CLI Compose Private Registry

I am trying to create a Fargate cluster using Cloud Formation in AWS which uses a bunch of images stored in a private registry behind username/password authentication. This command ./ecs-cli.exe compose --project-name AdminUI service up…
2 answers

How to provide argument to a task (container) on its launch on Amazon ECS using AWS Fargate

Here is an example, where I can run (locally) multiple instances of a docker image with different arguments to the echo command and to AUTHOR environment variable. NAME=Peter docker run alpine echo "Hello $NAME" docker run --name static-site -e…
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Using ECS Fargate to run long processes

I'm migrating a software that I use to extract images from documents from to ECS Fargate, and the start of a container in EC2 is very slow, somethings takes 3 minutes for a container change the state from PENDING to RUNNING. Is it possible…
Amanda Ferrari
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Container launches with EC2 instead of FARGATE launch type

I have written a cloudformation JSON file from scratch, but looks like there are several issues on it... What I observe is basically 2 issues. Fisrt, my ECS Service is in EC2 launch type instead of FARGATE, here is what the dashboard says: Status…
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Error running Chimp / / Selenium on Fargate (Chrome failed to start)

I'm trying to run my test cases on Fargate using Chimp, which internally uses / Selenium. They run just fine in my docker container when I'm running them on my EC2 instance, but as soon as I upload my container to ECS and try to…
1 answer

Is it possible to use liquibase in AWS ECS Fargate?

I ask because I've tried and failed. The problem seems to be that liquibase needs information about the host it is running on to lock and write to the DATABASECHANGELOG. Thus, when I bring up my spring-boot application in an ECS Fargate…
0 answers

pod stuck on `ContainerCreating` state in AWS EKS

I deployed a k8s cluster on AWS EKS fargate. And deployed a elasticsearch container to the pod. The pod is stuck on ContainerCreating state and describe pod shows below error: $ kubectl describe pod es-0 Name: es-0 Namespace: …
2 answers

How to chop/chunk videos using any AWS service?

I want to chop a huge number of videos (~50k) into 1 min segments each. Eg - A video with 60 min duration will be chopped into 60 mp4 files i.e 1m/video I looked into media convert service but it's has not the option to do. What is the scalable…
1 answer

Spinning up mongo db on Amazon Fargate

We are trying to setup microservice architecture on Amazon ECS using Fargate. When it comes to database, we are not able to spin up instance of mongodb. The database automatically switches off after 3 minutes. The log…
Dinesh K
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Connecting Frontend application with Backend Via AWS ECS Service Discovery

I have a web application that consists of Frontend(built on ReactJS) and Backend(built on Python). Frontend: I have created a ECS Fargate service and attached aws application load balancer. Backend: I have created a ECS Fargate service and attached…
1 answer

AWS fargate price

I can not understand the fargate price. If we pay for what we use why we should determine task size? per vCPU per hour $0.04048 per GB per hour $0.004445 if we use 1 vCPU for one hour and then use 10 Vcpu for the next hour. what is the price for…
yasin lachini
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1 answer

Spring Boot Application with HTTPS on AWS Fargate

I have a Spring Boot Application running on AWS Fargate in a ECS Cluster + ALB on the following flow: ALB (443/HTTPS) -> Spring Boot Application (8080:HTTP) So, I want to enable HTTP/2 in my application, but to do this, I need my application to run…
1 answer

UnrecognizedClientException in AWS fargate

I try to deploy a fargate container in AWS ECS. But I get the following error error getting rds cred staging/tas: { "message": "The security token included in the request is invalid", "code": "UnrecognizedClientException", "time":…
Moses Liao GZ
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