Questions tagged [autokey]

AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11

From the AutoKey website:

AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows you to manage collection of scripts and phrases, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these. This allows you to execute a script or insert text on demand in whatever program you are using.

75 questions
2 answers

Triggering AutoKey Script via Mouse Button - How To?

I like to trigger an AutoKey script by pressing middle mouse (restricted to a certain application via window filter). Unfortunately AutoKey only lets me set keyboard short-cuts while mouse buttons are completely ignored. It seems AutoKey does not at…
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What to do for Autohotkey functions that not available on Autokey

I want to migrate my AHK code to Autokey code for Ubuntu (AHK code monitors clipboard and mouse movements, performs advanced string processing and paste it to the specific window). There are many functions like OnClipboardChange, StringReplace,…
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Properly Importing a Python Class in Autokey

I have a class of static methods that I wrote as a supplement to the AutoKey API. I would like to include these in my scripts that I write in the autokey editor, but I've not been able to quite figure it out yet as my experience with python is still…
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Which clipboard Autokey stores the data with "clipboard.get_selection()"

Autokey function, text = clipboard.get_selection(), which clipboard is the selected data is stored? I am using Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon with Python 3.6. I am searching for the clipboard storage of Autokey's (Python 3) function, text =…
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Linux - Terminating AutoKey script using keybindings

Okay so I am new with AutoKey application on my elementaryOS device and I am just playing around with some custom scripts. What I did find strange is that there is no simple option to terminate the running script. So, is there any nice and simple…
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Write and debug autokey script in pycharm

It's definitely difficult to write and debug autokey scripts in it's GUI window. I know that you can run a script using autokey-run --script {script-name}. But is it possible to use autokey module explicitly in a .py file and write a standalone…
NiMa Thr
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How to send a Unicode character with Autokey keyboard.sendkeys()?

I am trying to use Autokey-py3 v0.93.10 (in Linux Mint 18.2), to generate Unicode characters using the "keyboard.send_keys" command. Unfortunately none of the following attempts work. keyboard.sendkeys("—") keyboard.sendkeys(u"\u2014") or this…
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2 answers

Moving cursor with AutoKey script

Is it possible to write an AutoKey script to insert a string and then move the cursor to a position within the imported script? For example, I would like a script that inserts console.log(); and then moves the cursor so that it it between the…
Art Ianuzzi
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Cycling through webbrowser tabs with autokey

I am trying to make a macro that will cycle through and update browser tabs when hitting 'F10'. Currently it only updates the page I'm currently on, it doesn't cycle through them, I tried googling for it but all the answers were for 'AutoHotKey'. So…
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1 answer

Any way to import autokey libraries into python script

I've become a fan of Autokey for a number of automation tasks and understand how to import & execute python from inside the program what I haven't been able to figure out is how / whether it's possible to import the autokey libraries (python…
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Python script won't work on Autokey

I'm trying to make a html entities encoder/decoder on Python that behaves similar to PHP's htmlentities and html_entity_decode, it works normally as a standalone script: My input: Lorem…
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1 answer

Handling KeyboardInterrupt in a KDE Python application?

I'm working on a PyKDE4/PyQt4 application, Autokey, and I noticed that when I send the program a CTRL+C, the keyboard interrupt is not processed until I interact with the application, by ie. clicking on a menu item or changing a checkbox.…
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how do I make a fork or non-blocking system call in python

This is related to this question but with a different take. In Ubuntu, I use Autokey, which uses python to automate keystrokes it observes. So I have +e mapped to open Gedit, ++3 to open OOwriter, etc etc. When I make one of…
Chris K
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Running one Autokey script from another Autokey script?

Right now I've got two Autokey scripts (for modularity), one that opens a file, and one that puts text in it. The one that opens the file has hotkey F1 (and we'll call this script 1 for simplicity), and the one that puts text in it has hotkey F2. I…
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2 answers

Emulating Home+Shift+End with Autokey

I simply want to do something like this Home+Shift(down)+End+Shift(up) (up and down represent Shift key being held). This makes it possible to select the whole line which the cursor is on (useful when copying, deleting etc). With AHK, that was done…
Fritjof Larsson
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