Questions tagged [autokey]

AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11

From the AutoKey website:

AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows you to manage collection of scripts and phrases, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these. This allows you to execute a script or insert text on demand in whatever program you are using.

75 questions
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autokey vigenere decryption in c#

This is my code to decrypt autokey vigenere cipher algorithm string cipherText = "zicvtwqngkzeiigasxstslvvwla"; string key = "deceptive"; key = key.ToLower(); cipherText = cipherText.ToLower(); int klength = key.Length; int kslength =…
1 answer

AutoKey Ctrl+Meta bind not working in xterm

This is my AutoKey script: keyboard.send_keys("") It works perfectly in the default Ubuntu terminal and everywhere else. But when I try to use it in xterm nothing happens.
John DeBord
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The function clipboard.get_selection() fails to get all the selected string

I set a shortcut in order to select a piece of text and open an URL with the selection at the end. So this is the script for AutoKey under linux: text = clipboard.get_selection() system.exec_command("kde-open" % text) the…
0 answers

Autocomplete with parameters in Autokey

I'm using autokey to improve my productivity, I create a sample script with abbreviation that trigger when the tab key is pressed, and the next code is executed by autokey: output = "My phrase" keyboard.send_keys(output) And it work with simple…
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How to configure NTP with autokey using our own Certificates

I am configuring the NTP with autokey to make NTP more secure.I don't want to use default certificate which can be generated using ntp-keygen command line tool. ntp-keygen generates one RSA key, one IFF Key and one md5withRSA signature certificate…
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How can I move application windows using Autokey?

I'm attempting to resize and relocate various windows I use for work using Autokey to make my morning a little faster. From what I've googled, Autokey uses python to run its scripts. I've also seen half a dozen programs that could do the job for me,…
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Why is this key remapping not working in Vim?

This problem is getting me really crazy. I used Gvim and Autohotkey under Windows 7 in the past. For various reasons, I mapped CTRL+D to behave likes Enter. This worked well so far. In Gvim I mapped the Enter/Return to act as page down…
Julius Martin
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How to share AutoKey and TextExpander snippet files : json vs. xml

I'm using AutoKey on Ubuntu (12.04) and it works fine. Now I want to use a shared DropBox file, containing all snippets, however this is a TextExpander file because my colleges use MACs and have another app like AutoKey, called TextExpander. Their…
Roelof Berkepeis
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1 answer

AutoKey repeating loop

I have been searching forums and the web for hours looking into a way of making a repeating python loop for Autokey. The goal is to allow timed intervals of key presses, such as pressing "1" every 16 seconds, "2" every 30, so on and so forth for as…
1 answer

running an autokey script with input parameters

Is it possible to run an AutoKey script with input parameters? (e.g autokey-run -s scriptname param1 param2 ...) I've tried using sys.argv, but for some reason, when running the script through AutoKey (as opposed to through python), argv[0] just…
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2 answers

AutoKey - clipboard.get_selection() function fails on certain strings

I've simplified my script so you can focus on the essence my problem. In AutoKey (not AutoHotKey), I made a Hot-Key (shift-alt-T) that performs this script on any string I have highlighted (like in gedit for example -- but any other gui editor…
Lonnie Best
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2 answers

AutoKey Python - How do I create a global function library

I'm using AutoKey (not AutoHotKey), and I'm noticing that multiple scripts are using the same python functions I've created. Up until now, I've just been defining the same function in each script that uses it. However, if I have to go back and…
Lonnie Best
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which library is for reading a window title in linux python

I am working with Python 3.8 in Linux Mint (never in Windows), and cobbled together the following code for a (date + time + window title) stamp using Autokey 95.10. The code works perfectly well in a Python terminal, but fails 75% of the time when…
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LaTex implementarion (Simple)

I switched from windows to Unix recently, and I'm missing using AutoHotKey which is only available for windows. I encountered AutoKey which is great! I have been having trouble writing a script: I want it to do the following: If I type vecX, it will…
0 answers

Autokey: Is there a way to press ALT + SPACEBAR with autokey?

I tried to do keyboard.send_keys("+") keyboard.send_keys("+") but none works There another way ?