Questions tagged [archimate]

The ArchiMate® Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture

The current specs for Archimate can be found at opengroup. It has also been implemented as UML profile and can therefore be used in various UML tools.

15 questions
2 answers

Can a component realize a service in Archimate 3?

In the Archimate 3 Application Layer Metamodel there is no explicit realization relation between an "Application Component" and an "Application Service". However, in the example of section 12.3 there is such relation. How should I understand this?
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1 answer

What is the origin of Archimate's graphical Notation?

Archimate uses a specific set of symbols and notations: Archimate Notation summary The relationships notations are based heavily on UML. Just not sure about the Core Motivation, Strategy, Implementation and Migration Elements. Where did these come…
1 answer

what does this symbol mean in Sparx Enterprise Architect

what does this little infinity like symbol mean in Enterprise Architect?
0 answers

MS Edge doesn't render lines in a 3D force directed graph

I have a force-directed graph made using D3.js. In Firefox, Chrome and Opera everything renders fine. My problem is that MS Edge (Win10, version 44.17763.1.0) doesn't draw edges and lines, that is the only flaw - otherwise everything works (texts,…
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1 answer

Modelling horizontally scaled applications in ArchiMate using Sparx enterprise architect

I'd like to model a horizontally scaled application in ArchiMate using the Sparx Enterprise Architect. As I can not include the same element twice in a diagram: How can I show, that an application will run in multiple instances?
1 answer

Archimate - Application Layer - Interfaces + Database

I am quite new to the Achrimate 3.0 and I am trying to make my model in it. I put an example below. My goal is to model this stream of data where I have a Source System which is creating output files in specific format -> next Step is Pulling the…
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3 answers

How can you use ArchiMate together with TOGAF ADM?

Can TOGAF Architecture Method (ADM) be seamlessly integrated with ArchiMate. Are there any tools out there in the market that supports this kind of integration and modeling authoring process?
lynch warren
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ArchiMate - Application Function and Application Component Relationship

I'm very unsatisfied, confused and unconvinced by the relationship between an Application Component and an Application Function. The Application Component is described as 'encapsulation of application functionality', and Application Function is…
Adam Davies
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Representing patterns in archimate

I am creating a catalog of patterns, for example integration patterns like proxy, circuit-breaker, request reply, etc. Then they are not specific technologies. Is there any element type in Archimate that would be a good fit to assign to these?
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1 answer

xsd validation for a relation between two objects

I have this xsd ShapeLine - the line between two shapes
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Which Archimate element should I use to model an Azure tenant?

I've looked in the official documentation and I've search for examples but I'm still not sure which element to use to show an Azure tenant. I want my diagram to show two Azure tenants, our own one, and a SaaS suppliers tenant.
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2 answers

Which Archimate element should I use to model a shop

I'm in the process of creating various archimate models for my organization. We offer financial services. Customers can do most of the things they require using the online portal and the mobile app. But we also have branch offices where customers…
2 answers

Archimate - Technology service - Node relation

what is the correct "serves" relation between Technology service and Node elements in Archimate 3.0.1? Regarding metamodel ( Service serves to Node (Service -> Node). But Sparx…
2 answers

modelling interfaces between applications in archimate and visual paradigm

I am evaluating VisualParadigm 14.1 currently. What is the easiest (but semantically correct) way to model the following in VP 14.1 "Application A" sends "Data D" via "Interface I" to "Application B" using these archimate model…
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6 answers

Archimate study guide needed

Does any one have any suggestion to learn Archimate? I need some study guide. I used a book called "Enterprise architecture at work" but I gave up on fifth part named "Language for Enterprise Modelling" it was very vague to understand.
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