Questions tagged [application-error]

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request.

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request — in other words, all the errors that are not caught with a Try/Catch block or in a page-level error handler. In the example, the handler transfers control to a generic error page named GenericErrorPage.aspx, which interprets the error and displays an appropriate message.

88 questions
2 answers

Send email on 500 Error MVC

If a 500 exception error occurs in my MVC application I want to send an email to alert the website owners. I have discovered the Application_Application_Error method on the global.asax.cs file, which fires when ever the application has an…
Ayo Adesina
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Scheme Error "application: not a procedure"

I'm reading sicp and am writing a program to find the first 3 prime numbers from 1,000. I'm using an altered version of Fermat's method (However the algorithm is irrelevant in this case as I only need to understand the error message). The whole set…
Nicholas Humphrey
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Raise_application_error in SQL developer

I'm using SQL Developer Version When I compile code, which cause some error, e.g. begin raise_application_error(-20001, 'xxxxx'); end; I see the error message in script outputs(like dbms_output), but i would like to see it in a new…
1 answer

How to compile MacVim under OS X Yosemite, or where can I download MacVim with GUI support?

Where can I download MacVim with GUI, or why OS X compile instructions don't work? I googled both questions and can't seem to find a reasonable answer to either one, so I would rather ask than waste my time trying to figure it out myself. I tried to…
Derek Gogol
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IIS 7 does not fire Application Error in Global.asax while migrating a HTML application to ASP.NET 4.0

I am migrating a HTML site to ASP.Net 4.0 web application. If someone types an existing HTML page URL, I want to redirect them to a corresponding ASP page. I have already tried below suggestions, nothing worked out. included Custom Errors tag…
Divya V
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httpd.exe - Application error while starting apache in xampp server in window 8.1

I got httpd.exe - system error, The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing while starting Apache server. I'm using windows 8.1 machine. To solve that problem i copy .dll files in window32 directory and when…
M Kumar
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0 answers

Application Error, Faulting Module name: KERNELBASE.DLL

I have an application written in .Net Framework 3.5. It is a service which is running on a Windows Server 2003 R2. The application has a global Exception-Handling included an all Exceptions which occure outside a try-catch are catched by this global…
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C# MVC Application_Error Redirect Page Not Html (It seems to be the string.)

I created the page Application_Error in Global.asax I take error. And I'm redirecting. Redirect Url = But the page's source code shows. ErrorController content; public class ErrorController : Controller { // GET: Error …
Oğuzhan Sari
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Application_Error is getting called twice recently

I have gone through almost all of the old post for Application_Error. But the issue that I have is, I checked the error log history and this never happened before. The only upgrade we had was .net framework 4.0 to 4.6.1. I have done following steps…
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2 answers

Application_Error and ExceptionFilter

So I have recently built at ExceptionFilter which handles all errors except Api Errors. The ExceptionFilter looks like this: public class ExceptionAttribute : IExceptionFilter { /// /// Handles any exception ///
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Application defined or object defined error 1004 and Error 438 in using vlookup formula

I am trying to use the vlookup function on a range of cells, that looks up values in other sheets. However I ckeep getting a runtime error that says "application defined or object defined error." ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1",…
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Building Workspace has encountered an issue

After unexpected shutdown of Eclipse IDE, and on restarting it gave the following error log: Errors occurred during the build. Error instantiating builder ''. Plug-in was…
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1 answer

Zend Application error if an unserialized object saved in $_SESSION since PHP 5.4

My Project is a mixed project (Non-Zend & Zend) If i set in a Non-Zend environment something like $myObject = new MyObject(); $_SESSION['foo'] = $myObject; and calling later a zend controller ( i get "An…
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PhoneGap Android first app changes

From the last week on wards i am starting to learn phone gap. I installed and created android app. Basically i am a android developer. I am very new to phonegap. When i import project into eclipse that is imported fine and running also fine. Here i…
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Creating Application_Error handler in Global.asax file getting a Parser Error

I am trying to add the Application_Error method into the Global.asax file, but I am getting a parser error: Server Error in '/' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this …
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