Questions tagged [application-error]

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request.

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request — in other words, all the errors that are not caught with a Try/Catch block or in a page-level error handler. In the example, the handler transfers control to a generic error page named GenericErrorPage.aspx, which interprets the error and displays an appropriate message.

88 questions
1 answer

Handle Application-Level Errors

I have code(It is found in the Internet) to handle application error. I wrote in Event Log. void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception myError = null; if (HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError() !=…
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1 answer MVC 3 view engine error

I am trying for custom error handling at global level in Application_Error. Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); Server.ClearError(); AssortmentDefinitionLogManager.LogException(ex); Context.RewritePath("/Error/Error"); …
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.Net Application_Error

In Global.asax i have code in Application_Error handler which stores the error message in HttpRuntime.Cache, logs the error to the application log file and then Transfers the user over to the Error.aspx page to display the message within the website…
0 answers

Signup/login page working in localhost, but on Heroku I get an Application error (h12/ 503)

I'm able to signup as a user and login as a user successfully on my local host, but on Heroku I receive an application error. It looks like the request is a timeout issue (H12 / 503 error). I'm confused because the login and signup was working fine…
1 answer

heroku gunicorn / Flask App Running Error

I'm trying to push my first flask app to heroku but I couldn't figure out what the problem is. I have tried many times to find the problem by following the errors but I felt I was spinning.This app is working in local but not on heroku I tried many…
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How to prevent MVC5 setting the fTrySkipCustomErrors flag to true automatically

Short Version Please read at the very bottom for a short version of the question. Situation In a question I asked last week, I struggled in finding a solution, which makes our error visualization waterproof, since there are some edge cases…
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Why is the runtime of my heroku app unstable?

So I have an python based app on heroku and it is on a free account. It basically takes in input from user and shows some plots. So what I am noticing is this: The runtime is quite varying. Sometimes the output comes in around 12 seconds, sometimes…
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adb.exe giving error when command executed, no output

I'm on win 7 with all the latest updates. I wanted to use adb so i installed everything, android studio, sdk tools, jdk, added everything to PATH, Then i wanted to test it. When I start adb for the first time, without any parameter, It gives this…
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Application error - Heroku. An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served

I deployed my Node.js application which has Google auth & Facebook auth on Heroku. When I tried to open the application, it showed "Application error". I ran the following command - heroku logs --tail The followed was the error: TypeError:…
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Running into live server error while trying open my website form Visual Studio (picture attached)

I want to use live server so i can easily see the changes i make to my website however whenever i try to "go live" an error message pops up and no browser is opened with my website. I've attached an image of the error but so far have not been able…
2 answers

My node.js App works locally but does not work on Heroku gives "application error". The log tail is like this. Can you help me fix this?

This is the Heroku logs tail: remote: deployed to Heroku remote: remote: Verifying deploy... done. To 132ab25..24b7d35 master…
2 answers
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Static file requests don't raise application_error event

in my Asp.Net MVC project I'm cathing Http FileNotFound Exceptions (for a missing image) and then redirect request to a default image like below protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { if…
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Heroku Application Erros Django

I don't understand why this application error. I followed djangogirls-extension deploy tutorial. here is the output of >heroku logs --tail --app srms-demo command 2019-02-09T02:31:06.000000+00:00 app[api]: Build failed -- check your build output:…
Riajul Kashem
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Application_Error not firing

I'm not able to get my Application_Error method to fire in global.asax. I've placed a breakpoint in the first line of my Application_Error function but it never breaks there. Instead, the server is returning the usual yellow formatted stack trace…
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