Questions tagged [application-error]

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request.

Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file is a method that will fire and catch all unhandled ASP.NET errors while processing a request — in other words, all the errors that are not caught with a Try/Catch block or in a page-level error handler. In the example, the handler transfers control to a generic error page named GenericErrorPage.aspx, which interprets the error and displays an appropriate message.

88 questions
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MVC global exceptions

I am coding an MVC 5 internet application, and I have a question in regards to handling exceptions globally. I have my Application_Error setup in my global.asax file. This caters to errors such as 404 HttpExceptions. How can I send all errors that…
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DDE Server Windows:orcascr9.exe: Application Error

I've looked at the queries on SO that pertain to similar errors - but haven't found anything so far, to help with this particular problem I am having with an orcascript which I am running under Powerbuilder9.0. The orca script connects to an SCC…
Critical Skill
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Debugging In-page I/O error - What logs should I request to better understand the issue at host?

I had been entrusted with a task of my application failing intermittently on a Windows 2012 R2 Box with a network attached file server with the application code. The failure is typical (14d4.1194): In-page I/O error c00000c4 - code c0000006…
1 answer

Accessing DOM from application_error

I have a custom error handler for an site. void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs //if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductionMode"] ==…
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"A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" before page load

I know this has been asked a LOT of times, but I am really struggling having tried a lot of different potential solutions. I have a c# website page. There is a form on there with a submit button. all code is in the code behind page. We do…
Matt Facer
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Cannot redirect from Application_Error even after clearing the error

I'm trying to error out more gracefully when a user attempts to upload a file that's too large for the server. However, when I try to capture the error in Global.asax.cs, it seems to skip right past my redirection code. Here's the core of what I…
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keep getting application error on heroku

Since the last commit I made to heroku whenever I try to access my application I keep getting this error "An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments. If you are the application…
1 answer

which one is better: CustomErrors in web.config or application_error?

I'm trapping 404 errors in my MVC website. I have the option to either do that via adding the customerrors element in web.config or application_error, but I don't know which one is better. What is the difference between the two?
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Handle exception inside Application_Error global.asax

I have code written in global file on Application_Error. I am inserting the error detail in my database. But some how sometimes it is inserting thousand record of same error. Does this mean that there is an error inside Application_Error If yes…
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How to trap an ASP.NET error which triggers Custom Error Page, but not Application_Error

I have an ASP.NET application using custom errors. There is one error that occurs that I can't seem to get any information about. When the error happens, it does trigger the custom error page, but for some reason it doesn't trigger Page_Error or…
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How to handle non-existing routes in MVC that lead to errors?

In my application, I have some controllers that use specific routes and some that use the default route. As a result, I have something like this: //.. other more specific routes routes.MapRoute( "Workout - Specific Workouts by…
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Any way to get more info from unhandled exceptions caught by Application_Error in Global.asax?

In production, I have the Application_Error event handled in Global.asax to log (and email me) details of any uncaught exceptions that sneak through: void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) // code simplified a bit for SO { Exception…
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Changing a label text in Global.asax

I have a message zone defined in the master page (an update panel with a label inside). I want to handle all the exceptions globally and I thought I can catch them in the Application_Error event in Global.asax and from there change the label text…
Gratziani V.
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Why "File does not exist." exception in Application_Error does not have access to Session Data?

HttpContext.Current.Session object is null when application throws "File does not exist." exception in Application_Error event. protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex =…
0 answers

Runtime Exception At ECLIPSE Indigo Startup

An error has occurred. Check log file. Error Details: !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-04-26 16:04:01.984 !MESSAGE Application error !STACK 1 java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench" could not be found in the registry.…
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