Questions tagged [apple-push-notifications]

The Apple Push Notification Service is a service created by Apple Inc. that was launched together with iOS 3.0.APNS is used together with Mac OS X Lion Server to push update notifications to clients that have registered to receive updates via a configuration profile and are also using the server's mail, calendar and contacts services. This means that devices such as the iPhone and applications like iCal on the Mac can receive a notification

The Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) is a service created by Apple Inc.

It is the centerpiece of the remote notifications feature, and was launched together with iOS 3.0 on June 17, 2009. APNS is used to send notifications to applications on Apple devices (iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS) that have registered to receive those notifications.

Apple push notification service is a cloud service which allows to send notifications from any back-end server to an API provided by Apple. Apple has recently introduced an HTTP/2 API to send the push notifications which is the recommended way from Apple.

Third-party service providers offer a higher level interface to Apple API, making it easier to handle notification for a large number of registered devices.

Official Apple Push Notification Documentation

7708 questions
3 answers

aps-environment is always development

I have created the app id with APNS enabled and I configured both development and production certificate Now when I create entitlements it is always displaying development even If I change the Provisioning profile to iTunes deployment also the…
AJ Sanjay
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1 answer

How to Renew Push Notification Services Certificate

I am pretty new to IOS development and honestly don't know much about certificates, except for the part that they are needed for the application to be posted on Apple store. My company has few apps on Apple Store, and I got an email saying, "Your…
Vamsi Challa
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7 answers

Missing Push Notification Entitlement warning

We have created an App ID, distribution certificate and provisioning profile. Push Notifications were not initially enabled. We now need to implement Push Notifications in the app. We have enable Push Notifications in the App D, check the…
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13 answers

Can't find private key for Apple Development Push Services

I've consulted many sources out there and still can't figure this out. Basically after I download the Development Push SSL Certificate from the iOS Provisioning Portal > App IDS (with Enable…
Ken Yu
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9 answers

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

I have received a warning mail from Apple after submitting the binary build. Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements…
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2 answers

"verify error:num=20" when connecting to

I am attempting to run the Ray Wenderlich tutorial found at Apple Push Notification Services in iOS 6 Tutorial: Part 1/2. I created an AppID and SSL certificate and keys and PEM files in a local directory. Afterwards, I got to the step to test…
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2 answers

What is Silent Push Notification? When does the device receive it?

I want to clear my local notification in notification tray. For this to be implemented, I am thinking to use the silent push notification. So I want to confirm when the device receives it and which things I can do with it?
Suhas Arvind Patil
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1 answer

Push Notifications or, or Both?

I'm developing a chat system for web, Android and iOS. Doing my research I've found differences on how GCM and APNS handle the Push Notifications. If I send a Push Notification to a Android Device through the GCM, the device its able to decide if it…
3 answers

Apple Push Notification with Sending Custom Data

I am sending push notifications from php job application to iphone. I am sending push notifications regarding new jobs. Is this possible that when user click on the view of push notification pop up , then user redirect to the particular job in the…
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8 answers

Silent push notifications only delivered if device is charging and/or app is foreground

I have implemented silent push notifications but I have noticed some strange behaviour. The silent push notifications are handled via: - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo…
12 answers

How to set up push notifications in Swift

I am trying to set up a push notification system for my application. I have a server and a developer license to set up the push notification service. I am currently running my app in Swift. I would like to be able to send the notifications remotely…
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6 answers

didReceiveRemoteNotification when in background

These kind of question has been asked a number of times but i have some specific situation going on. When my application is active and I receive a PUSH message i'm successfully able to parse the custom payloads and such. However when my application…
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4 answers

how to display image in ios push notification?

iOS 10 introduced push notification framework updates, UserNotificationsUI.framework As written on apple docs, it lets us customize the appearance of local and remote notifications when they appear on the user’s device. So if anyone have idea how…
8 answers

Firebase: Cannot upload production APNs certificate

I am currently testing an app in TestFlight and need a production APNs certificate in order to test Notifications in Firebase. I have followed all of the steps in this video and successfully configured the development APNs…
3 answers

didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler: open from icon vs push notification

I'm trying to implement background push notification handling, but I'm having issues with determining whether the user opened the app from the push notification that was sent as opposed to opening it from the icon. - (void)application:(UIApplication…