Questions tagged [apigee]

You can get Apigee product related answers and support on the Apigee Community at Apigee is part of Google team, that produces and sells an API Management Platform. Products include an API communications gateway, a backend-as-a-service App Services / REST-accessible JSON store. Use this tag for questions about Apigee products; and also indicate the Apigee product such as API Dashboard or Edge.

The Company

Apigee is a company that produces and sells an API Management Platform. The central product is an API communications gateway (Apigee Edge), and there is also the backend-as-a-service App Services thing, which is a REST-accessible JSON store. Use this tag for questions about Apigee products; and also indicate the Apigee product such as API Dashboard or Edge.

Apigee Edge

Think of this as a transparent HTTP proxy server for API calls. Operators can configure the Gateway to do "anything" when an incoming API call is received, including dynamic routing, data transformation, security mediation (authentication or authorization), rate limiting or quota enforcement, caching, response data masking, response data augmentation, and more.

App Services

App Services is the commercial version of the usergrid open-source project. To a developer, it looks like a JSON store of arbitrary scale. It's accessible via a REST interface, GET/PUT/POST/DELETE, and includes a built-in set of resources, accessible via different /paths in the URL, to store things like users, activities, and so on. You can define additional resource types as extensions to that base model.

743 questions
1 answer

Does StackDriver support Syslog protocol?

Does StackDriver support Syslog protocol? if so, can someone share an example? For context, I'm looking to write logging entries to StackDriver using Syslog protocol. I've looked through the documentation and haven't a way to do so. So, far the…
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DB Connection close issue in Node.js using trireme-jdbc

I have developed and deployed a Node.js application in apigee edge, which performs few CRUD operations. To establish db connection I have used trireme-jdbc module of node.js. I am able to perform all CRUD operations well through trireme-jdbc but I…
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2 answers

Apigee Usergrid: Mass delete option missing

I am using usergrid to store data for a customer project. It's got two collections carShowrooms and cars. So far I am good. But I have a scenario where I have refresh the masterdata of the collection cars. Everytime I do this, I have to delete all…
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In an Apigee API Proxy, why does rewriting "target.url" via a JavaScript policy not route to the new target?

The use case here is that the target endpoint URL has to be changed based on some conditions. The JavaScript policy used to overwrite "target.url" does not get the call routed to the new target. It still routes to the 'Default Target Endpoint URL'…
Deepti N M
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1 answer

Increase buffer timeout size on nginx

I have a nodejs program that connects to cloudstack apis. Creating a Virtual Machine on cloudstack takes almost 20 secs. The program works fine on my local nodejs installation and also on apigee cloud. However when I deploy the same on customer's…
Girish BR
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2 answers

Apigee Pre-Flight Options Requests

I create api proxies and check the box that says "Enable Direct Browser Access for Your API — Allow direct requests from a browser via CORS." but my OPTIONS requests are still failing with : { "fault": { "faultstring": "Received 405…
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4 answers

Best way to export and import all Apigee Edge objects related to an org?

Are there scripts for exporting and importing all Apigee Edge objects, such as developers, users, apps, caches, key value maps, etc? To clarify, it would be nice to have non-runtime objects as a priority vs. the runtime data contained within. E.g.,…
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4 answers

Base64 encoding in an Apigee Edge policy

What's the easiest way to do Base64 encoding within an Apigee policy? I need to encode the text of an SMS to be sent programmatically. I know I could include the code explicitly, but I'd much prefer to use a capability that is built in if available.
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lookupcache.LookupCachePolicy.cachehit shows either true or false across request

So I have an API endpoint that creates a Cache and validate if that cache exist. However the Lookup Cache policy shows different responses across repeated request of the same payload. It would show either true or false across multiple request. Why…
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0 answers

APIGEE returns 200 despite the target server returning 400

We are seeing a case where, on the target server, we are specifically setting the response status code to 400, we also see in the trace that APIGEE shows 400, but when checking in postman we see 200 as response status code. In above image, postman…
Anvesh Reddy
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1 answer

Usergrid node.js usergrid.init() error

I start to use apigee and I use the baas withe usergrid and the node.js sdk when I use my file in local and make http request there is no problems but when i try to upload the node.js file with : apigeetool deployproxy -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -o ORG…
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1 answer

Convert Julian Date to Normal Date in Node.js for IBM DB2 iSeries

In one of my application development I am using IBM DB2 iSeries database connected with DataDirect technology given by Progress with db2.jar. In database the date stored as 7 digit Julian format that I have to convert in normal date as timestamp in…
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Why does Apigee Key/Value Map has such format

I'm trying to understand why Apigee has such a format for Key/Value maps. When creating a key you should POST a JSON like this: { "name": "Map_name", "entry": [ { "name": "Key1", "value": "value_one" …
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How to deploy Trireme project on Apigee using Apigeetool

I have design a data layer API to establish openedge database connection using trireme-jdbc. The code is working solid when I am running the file by trireme command using cygwin, but when I start the complete project through apigeetool using command…
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1 answer

Unable to deploy API bundle on Apigee using Maven

I am unable deploy an API to Apigee using Maven. Following is the command i am using to deploy the bundle to my org on Apigee- mvn clean install -Dpassword=PassWord@123 -Dorg=orgName -Ptest I am getting the following…
Onkaar Singh
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