Questions tagged [apigee]

You can get Apigee product related answers and support on the Apigee Community at Apigee is part of Google team, that produces and sells an API Management Platform. Products include an API communications gateway, a backend-as-a-service App Services / REST-accessible JSON store. Use this tag for questions about Apigee products; and also indicate the Apigee product such as API Dashboard or Edge.

The Company

Apigee is a company that produces and sells an API Management Platform. The central product is an API communications gateway (Apigee Edge), and there is also the backend-as-a-service App Services thing, which is a REST-accessible JSON store. Use this tag for questions about Apigee products; and also indicate the Apigee product such as API Dashboard or Edge.

Apigee Edge

Think of this as a transparent HTTP proxy server for API calls. Operators can configure the Gateway to do "anything" when an incoming API call is received, including dynamic routing, data transformation, security mediation (authentication or authorization), rate limiting or quota enforcement, caching, response data masking, response data augmentation, and more.

App Services

App Services is the commercial version of the usergrid open-source project. To a developer, it looks like a JSON store of arbitrary scale. It's accessible via a REST interface, GET/PUT/POST/DELETE, and includes a built-in set of resources, accessible via different /paths in the URL, to store things like users, activities, and so on. You can define additional resource types as extensions to that base model.

743 questions
2 answers

Apigee - Change resource name during request

As part of my API proxy, I'd like to map a target resource called search to the proxy resource super-search. So if my base url is myproxy/v1.2, and I create the resource super-search, then I'd like the URLs to be modified as…
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Quota violation is not working as per quota set in API proxies

I have created a below quota which can consume API 6 times per hour. This is an verify API key authentiication type. URL is But Quota exception…
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How to remove an organization whihc is created already?

I like to remove\delete the organization from!/organizations URL. Please let me know the steps to be performed for the same.
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How to store and process time-series data in Apigee App Services?

I am writing an app that will store regular temperature readings, and am looking to use Apigee App Services for the storage. However, to chart the temperature readings over time, it is inefficient to pull all the readings out over a period (e.g. a…
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Apigee - Setting up a New App

I created a new account on Apigee. I can successfully run the sandbox app, but I am having difficulty setting up a new app. I created the new app in the admin panel and downloaded the SDK (Javascript). The new-project-template however contains the…
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how to connect apigee proxy (Oauth verify) by using apigee android sdk?

i would like to use apigee android sdk in android app. By using android sdk, I would like to connect apigee end point proxy but api proxy has got Oauth 2.0 verification. How to access our proxy? //Create client entity String ORGNAME =…
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Apigee and Hosted Node.JS

We are looking at using Apigee and are intrigued by the notion of hosting node.js code directly inside Apigee's framework. From what we can tell, popular Node modules such as Express and others are included. In a video, we thought we saw that users…
2 answers

Pulling picture UUIDs for a known set of users on Apigee

I am trying to come up with the best strategy to accomplish the following on Apigee platform: I have "teams" of users, and I'd like each of the users within the team to be able to see pictures of the rest of the team. Correspondingly I want to…
Alex M
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Is there any size limit on Apigee proxy?

I have configured a simple passthrough proxy for my backend API. It's working fine for URL's that return short data. I have one URL that returns around 700KB of data. For this, it returns only partial data (around 54K) with 200 status. Is there a…
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What's the best and easiest way to create user profiles for a To Do List website that uses JavaScript and jQuery?

I learned JavasSript, HMTL, CSS, and jQuery on and began building a website that provides users with a To Do list that they can edit and sort. I coded it in Sublime Text and just have it on my computer currently. My question is, what…
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Is there a webhook manager?

I have to implement webhooks in my API. There is an webhook manager? That can manage suscriptions, users, etc. Otherwise, Is there an library that can help me to develop webhooks? I'm using nodejs. Thank you! I did a quick search and I only found…
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How to post parameter with special symbol like "\/" or "|" in GET api request?

We are trying to use an external SOAP service in our mobile app. We are converting that SOAP service into a GET method REST api using But that REST api , is changing our parameter value (which contain some special character like…
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Latency and Security in using Apigee Cloud

I am new to Apigee, and just started using Apigee Edge cloud solution. I need to know some answers. It will be very helpful for me. What is the latency in using the Apigee cloud instead of On premise solution. I would also like to know what is the…
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Extracting variables from XML in Apigee

While using Apigee i did a service callout to this URL "" and i saved the content in "calloutResponse". So now calloutResponse should contain this: > wb:countries xmlns:wb="" page="1"…
1 answer

selective and dynamic monetization in Apigee

I do not want to charge customers for few of the websites they browse and instead pass on this charge to the other party say the website owner . Kindly let me know how to implement this , like how to know what website the customer is viewing and…
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