Questions tagged [usergrid]

Apache Usergrid is a Backend-as-a-Service (“BaaS”) built on Cassandra, and accessible via a REST API. Any app can store data in Usergrid. There's an SQL-like syntax for running queries, with full property indexing, full-text search, and geolocation search.

Apache Usergrid is an open-source project implementing a NoSQL Backend-as-a-Service (“BaaS” or “mBaaS”) that can be used in any app to store any structured data. The store is built on Cassandra, and it offers several ways for apps to connect: a REST API, and a number of client-side libraries for JavaScript, Objective-C, and so on.

For administering the system, there's an admin portal that enables developers to rapidly build and manage web and/or mobile applications.

Usergrid provides the most common services required for building apps, such as user registration & management, data storage, file storage, roles, and permissions, and features SQL-like syntax for running queries, with full property indexing, full-text search, and geolocation search.

Project Homepage

108 questions
2 answers

Using Usergrid how do I get related entities nested in a single json and not only the link to them

When I query /mycollections?ql=Select * where name='dfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf' I get { "action" : "get", "application" : "859e6180-de8a-11e4-9360-f1aabbc15f58", "params" : { "ql" : [ "Select * where name='dfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf'" ] }, "path" :…
Jan Moritz
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1 answer

Add image (png file) to header of pdf file created with R

I am trying to add an .png image (logo) to the header of my pdf report of graphs created with ggplot and printed to pdf. I found the following example how to add a image to a ggplot plot. But, I am looking to add the .png image to he header of the…
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3 answers

Usergrid Setup - Cassandra Error

We are trying to setup Apache Usergrid 2.1, with the following configuration: CentOS 7 Cassandra 1.2.19 Oracle Java 1.8.0_91 Tomcat 8.0.33 ElasticSearch 2.3.2 Tomcat, Cassandra and ElasticSearch are running normally, there are no errors in the…
Eren Yilmaz
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2 answers

unable to post file+data using python-requests

I'm able to post file using curl curl -X POST -i -F name='barca' -F country='spain' -F file=@/home/messi/Desktop/barca.png 'http://localhost:8080/new_org/hel/concerts' Which I can get (file) as curl -X GET -H 'Accept: image/png'…
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2 answers

Apigee Usergrid: Mass delete option missing

I am using usergrid to store data for a customer project. It's got two collections carShowrooms and cars. So far I am good. But I have a scenario where I have refresh the masterdata of the collection cars. Everytime I do this, I have to delete all…
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1 answer

Usergrid does not run. Internal Server Error

I'm trying to setup Apache Usergrid on Ubuntu 16.04. Im following this deployment guide I've got Elasticsearch, Cassandra and Tomcat7 successfully running. I've configured properties file and put ROOT.war into webapps folder. However when I'm doing…
Andrey Chernukha
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1 answer

Usergrid node.js usergrid.init() error

I start to use apigee and I use the baas withe usergrid and the node.js sdk when I use my file in local and make http request there is no problems but when i try to upload the node.js file with : apigeetool deployproxy -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -o ORG…
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1 answer

How to enable log4j for Usergrid

I deployed usergrid in tomcat, I see it is using slf4j binds to log4j, I tried to put in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes$ , but still not seeing log file created? anyone could help? Usergrid is here,…
7 answers

Cannot login to Apache Usergrid deployed on Tomcat7

I downloaded and built Apache Usergrid on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and deployed the ROOT.war on my local tomcat7 server as per instructions given at I copied file to…
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0 answers

Issue with ng-map (googlemaps) and usergrid backend

I'm developing a website ( which uses : Usergrid ng-map and googlemaps to display a map with markers angularJS angular-route since the last update of googlemaps in april 2018 im having the issue, that the site doesn't load the…
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2 answers

Usergrid system requirements?

question, how much resources I need to run apache usergrid? I mean hardware resources, RAM CPU I want to deploy apache usergrid to be used as backed in our apps, the apps have a low traffic now, are custom projects to be used in small users groups…
Gustavo Otero
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1 answer

Apigee BaaS and cursors

I am trying to use cursors to access large result sets but can't seem to get them to work (i.e. endless scroll). Here is my code thus far where cursor is a string that store globally: var options = { type: "users", client: myClient, qs:{…
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1 answer

Usergrid-InvalidRequestException(why:Keyspace 'Usergrid_Applications' does not exist

I install "Usergrid 2.1" follow by link But when I start tomcat, it throw exception as ( at…
2 answers

Unable to start Apache Usergrid

I have setup Apache Usergrid on our local windows machine but on startup tomcat shows errors in the log. Due to this we are also not able to access the usergrid application. Below is the error log for the reference. Thanks!…
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1 answer

Query with "the" not returning results

I'm trying to select an entity with "The" as the first word of the title attribute but Usergrid seems to be ignoring it. For example, this query which is attempting to select "The Giver" /books?ql=select * where title contains 'the*' //returns no…
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