Questions tagged [angular-component-router]

84 questions
2 answers

Router Resolver not rendering component

I have this router resolver to retrieve data from the Google Firestore. I am trying to use the Resolver to fetch the data ahead. When I place debugger at resolve function it shows me the data retrieved from the Server. But it is never returning from…
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Remove a component from history in angular 2

How could i restrict a component to load on back press. Actually i have three component A(Normal Component), B(LoginComponent) and C(Otp Verification Component). I'm routing to component B from A on some button click and from B to C to verify…
2 answers

Angular 2 components doesn't render correctly when used with router outlet

I'm developing a simple angular 2 website, using angular 2 lazy routing. I use flickity slider to implement a slider in the home page, the problem is : when i declare the slider component in the app component (root…
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angular 1.5 component, ui-router resolve, $onChanges lifecycle hook

In the following example (plunker), a ui-router state routes to an app component that has a data object and a replace method that replaces this object with a new one using the given value. In its template, it has: an editor component which triggers…
0 answers

angular 1.5 component bindings, $onChanges hook & ui-router resolves

EDIT: I have reformulated this question here: angular 1.5 component, ui-router resolve, $onChanges lifecycle hook I will illustrate my question with 3 successive examples. In the first one, a so-called outer component owns a myData object that has a…
2 answers

Angular JS 1.5 - I want to communicate between angular js components

I am trying to expose deletePhoto and editPhoto methods of businessPhotos components into verticalGrid component. But some how it is not accessible. Any help would be appreciated, thanks photo.js angular.module('business') …
1 answer

How do I use AngularJS 1.5's Component Router in conjunction with user authentication?

I'm not quite ready to jump into Angular 2, but I wanted to tackle their new router and components. For background, I am using a Python instance on Google App Engine that uses Endpoints in conjunction with Angular. How do I use AngularJS 1.5's…
David Kirk
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1 answer

Angular 4: Custom Attribute Directive within not being executed

I am currently trying to create a custom attribute directive for my Angular 4 (v 4.2.6) application with component based routing. I have followed the official Angular guide on how to create such an attribute directive. Everything works fine, when…
1 answer

How can attach a route to the display of an ng-accordion panel?

I have an ng-accordion defined using an *ngFor loop, and I would like to adjust the location and bind a route to the view of a particular panel. Ideally, when a client clicks to expand a panel, the location would update in the browser and a new…
Deven Phillips
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Implement smooth component transition animation when route change

how to implement smooth component transition animation when route change in Angular2 RC-1 ? I am using angular component router (not the deprecated one). I am fairly new to angular2 and typescript. Have some experience in Angular1.x
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Passing an object into Angular 9/10 resolver

I am stuck with passing object to the resolver in Angular 9/10. Any help will be deeply appreciated. I have a page SearchUser.component.ts from where I am navigating to another page UserInfo.component.ts. I am trying to pass the object in the…
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1 answer

How to pass down a callback from a parent component to a nested routed component?

I have the following format where I have a global component that has 3 nested components that are activated based on a given route: $stateProvider .state('create-goal', { url: '/create-goal', component: 'createGoal', …
1 answer

Angular 1 component router: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined

I'm using Angular 1 component router and it works weired. When I run website locally it works fine, but if I access it from another PC I receive js error Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined I tried to access website from 4-5 PCs and…
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3 answers

How to determine when AngularJS has finished rendering all of the components & directives

Is there any way to run scripts when AngularJS has finished rendering all the routes, components & directives? For example when all components and directives with a templateURL have finished rendering.
0 answers

How to use ocLazyLoad in Angular 1.5.7 with ui.router?

I am developing one SPA using Angular 1.5.7 . In that application routing is done with "ui.router". i have a separate folders for each component like Dashboard,Users,Reports and each folder contains its own component and directive, view and service…
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