Questions tagged [oclazyload]

This tag is for ocLazyLoad, a solution for lazy loading with AngularJS.


133 questions
3 answers

AngularJS- Dynamic Loading of script files using LazyLoad- Webpack

Right now in my index.html page I have links to two CDN files one being a JS and the other a CSS file. i.e. in the the bottom of my body and in the head But…
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Loading html and Controller from server and creating dynamic states UI - router

I am looking for a Solution to load my App Content dynamically from the Server. My Scenario: Lets say we have 2 Users (A and B), my App consists of different Modules like lets say a shoppingList and a calculator, now my goal would be the User logs…
2 answers

Karma tests error "unable to init ocLazyLoad"

From the quickstart sb-admin-angular, I am trying to run the tests, but I get the error unable to init ocLazyLoad. (This is a Windows7 machine.) The command I use to run the tests is: $ grunt test --force I understand from this thread that I must…
Don Subert
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webpack require.ensure first parameter use

What is the use of first parameter of webpack require.ensure first parameter? require.ensure(dependencies, callback) I tried to let the first parameter filled or empty…
SooCheng Koh
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Controller is loaded in DOM but the view not loaded and can't find controller- oclazyload with jade(pugjs)

I am using angular 1.6 for my project and angular-ui-routing for routing with PugJs for HTML templates. I am trying to implement Lazyload in my application, but somehow its not working may be due to jade. code : var app =…
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How do modules in ocLazyLoad loaded, parallel or in sequence?

I'm using ocLazyLoad library to achieve lazy loading for all dependencies in my project. I know that by default files are loaded in parallel and to make it loaded in sequence I should use serie:true…
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Angular 1.5.0. Root Template is duplicated when reloading the page with UI GRID via ocLazyLoad. $$animateJs is undefined

I'm using: Angular, angular-animate both are v. 1.5.0 Angular UI Grid v. 3.1.1 ocLazyLoad v. 1.0.9 Angular ui router v. 0.2.18 The Error is: TypeError: $$animateJs is not a function at d (angular-animate.js:2141) at…
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ocLazyLoad randomly not loading components

I use angular.ui.router to manage routing in my single page application. A part of the configuration looks like this: .state('app.mymodule', { url: '/mymodule', resolve: loadSequence('ngResource', 'MyModule'), template: '
Giacomo Voß
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Angular Batarang conflicting with ocLazyLoad

I was making a POC to test ocLazyLoad for lazy loading the parts of app. After lot of debugging, I found out that Angular Batarang is conflicting with ocLazyLoad in some way. I'm getting following error in reject callback of promise when I lazy load…
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1 answer

AngularJS, ocLazyLoad and ui-router: How to load on demand without centralize 'state' on the main app.js class

I'm very new on ui-router and ocLazyLoad and probably this question could be easy to resolve but the fact that I'm writing here its because I did not have luck searching on blogs. My app is running nice with ocLazyLoad now. This is my configuration…
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1 answer

$$animateJs is not a function when using oclazyload, uigrid, and nganimate

I'm using Typescript 1.7, AngularJS 1.5.7, oclazyload 1.0.9, ui-grid 3.2.5, ui-router 0.3.1, requirejs 2.2.0 First, everything was working fine until I upgraded from Angular 1.4.3 to 1.5.7 In my code I pull in source like so from the require…
1 answer

ng-click event not working with ocLazyLoad

I have a basic Angular.js app which is using ocLazyLoad for loading the application files. I am using the skeleton of the sbAdminApp template. My problem is that when I use a template with an ng-click event, the click event is not being fired. It is…
Shai Aharoni
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Inject angular module using $ocLazyLoad.inject method

Trying to inject an Angular module to my main module using oclazyload. Please note, I am not using RequireJs or oclazyload to load the JavaScript file currently. For now I added the module inside Index HTML Script tag. The inject method executes…
Jojo Peter
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3 answers

ocLazyload not loading the module

In html I am loading the oclazyload before my app.js -
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1 answer

Using ui-router and ocLazyLoad to load a controller and set the partial to it

I'm a complete Angular noob and trying to do some fancy stuff quickly, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. I've created a website that uses routing, and I'm using ui-router for the routing instead of the standard Angular router. The theory is…
Todd Davis
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