Questions tagged [android-googleapiclient]

169 questions
9 answers

GoogleApiClient is throwing "GoogleApiClient is not connected yet" AFTER onConnected function getting called

So I found something that is not very clear for me about GoogleApiClient. GoogleApiClient has a function called onConnected which is run when the client is connected (for sure). I got my own function called: startLocationListening which is…
7 answers

How to get access token after user is signed in from Gmail in Android?

I am following Google Sign in for Android. Now I can get the idToken but my back end server that I have used earlier is expecting access Token as I was using Google+ Login earlier. Now I don't want to alter my server side. But still how can I use…
1 answer

How to take google maps snapshot without actually displaying the map

I want to be able to take a screenshot of a certain location in google maps without actually loading the google map onto the screen, If there is a way google map can take the screenshot in the background that would be great.
Errol Green
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2 answers

Where should the android service calls and calls to GoogleAPIClient be written while using MVP pattern in android?

I am trying to implement MVP pattern in my android project by referring to this link : I have successfully implemented the view / presenter / interactor classes. I am not clear on Where to put the service…
4 answers

GoogleApiClient onConnected not being called, using in a Service

Was working when I was using GoogleApiClient in an Activity but moved it to a Service and the onConnected is not being called. public class StepsMonitoringService extends Service implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks { private…
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Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet

I am getting this error message when trying to implement logout for Google Sign-In for Android: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet. The crash occurs in (below), where I call the…
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3 answers

GMail API Grant Permissions Before UserRecoverableAuthUIException

I've followed the quickstart example from Google to setup the GMail API: My app successfully requests the GET_ACCOUNTS permission and allows the user to select his/her gmail account. The…
1 answer

How do you provide a GoogleApiClient dependency with Dagger2?

I've started using Dagger2 to manage dependencies and I'm trying to understand how I can use DI to provide a singleton GoogleApiClient. The motivations for this are: reduce boilerplate code: multiple Activities & Fragments require a GoogleApiClient…
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Check whether the user is already logged in using Auth.GoogleSignInApi?

I fount that in order to sign in the user I have to use this code: Intent signInIntent = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInIntent(mGoogleApiClient); startActivityForResult(signInIntent, RC_SIGN_IN); to signout new ResultCallback() { …
4 answers

SupportMapFragment.getMap() on a null object reference

After trying just about everything, I cannot seem to getmap without pulling a null object reference. I am trying to inflate a google mapfragment into a fragment, however each time I do so I always keep a getmap null object . Here is my code I'm…
Errol Green
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2 answers

How to get Places.GeoDataApi.getAutocompletePredictions ONLY inside the bounds?

I am using Places.GeoDataApi for Android and I get different search results depending on the location of the device performing the request. I need the results to be consistently located inside the bounds. I don't see where that could be setup in the…
7 answers

statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR in google login

Below code I am using for Google login.I added google-services.json file in the app folder.I am using classpath '' in root gradle module.I have checked my package at developer console and its correct and I added…
6 answers

GoogleApiClient onConnectionFailed with statusCode=SIGN_IN_REQUIRED

I'm trying to connect my app to Google play service to access Google Drive but It showing me connection failed with statusCode SIGN_IN_REQUIRED. But it seems to behave like that just 3 days ago. I am also checked developer console of google. They…
1 answer

Android: Google signin for a user without Google Play Services?

Is there a way of implementing Google signin that does not require Google Play Services? I'm aware that the official docs says that you need GPS: • however I also found…
0 answers

Android - Activity Recognition best practices

In my Android application, I want to display a notification only when the user is not moving or only slowly moving. For example, when a user is driving, I don't want to display notifications. To accomplish this, I've looked into the Activity…
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