Questions tagged [google-plus-signin]

Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system which reduces the burden of login for your users, by allowing them to login with their Google account. To sign users into an app that integrates Google+ features, Google Sign-In helps with social scopes

Google Sign-In increases conversions by reducing the burden and friction of login. Ecspecially for mobile users, all while helping users keep their accounts secure. With minimal effort, user can add a trusted registration system that's familiar to users and consistent across devices. Google Sign-In lets users skip high drop-off registration forms and avoid having to remember yet another username and password. This makes registration faster and more secure, and reduces support costs for forgotten usernames and passwords.

By requesting social scopes through Google Sign In, your app can provide a social experience for your users through the use of the Google+ Profile and Social Graph APIs.

Steps to integrate Google+ Platform

276 questions
5 answers

How to refresh expired google sign-in logins?

I'm using Google Sign-In. A user comes to my site and logs in with gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn(), or they are already logged in and when the page loads (or reloads) we fetch the status. At this point I have an identity token good for an hour…
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6 answers

idpiframe_initialization_failed in Google Sign In from Localhost

I'm trying to create a Google Sign In button by following this link. So far the account choose dialogue box is coming but after that I don't see any result in the console. Instead I'm getting this error at page…
1 answer

Google OAuth Client with Angular/Ionic: How do I find the redirect_uri?

I have an Ionic2 app that I would like to add GooglePlus Authentication to. I get the following error: As far as I understand, it's because I have not set up a redirect_uri. Question What redirect_uri (Authorized redirect URIs) should I use for an…
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How to get profile like gender from google signin in Android?

I want to integrate google sign in to my app, when user first sign in I will create an account bind to this, so I need some profiles like gender, locale, etc. and I tried as the google-sign-in doc and quick-start sample shows: GoogleSignInOptions…
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4 answers

How to get the access token from Google Sign-In Javascript SDK?

I have a simple single-page javascript webapp which uses "Google Sign-In for Websites": How can I get an access token for the user? I need a verifiable assertion of the user's identity on my…
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How to link Google + signed in users on Parse backend on Android?

I've been using Parse for 3 months in my android app. Now I want to add email login and social sign ons (Facebook and Google+) in the app. I have successfully added email and fb login and the user can connect both or either one of email or facebook…
Rahul Sainani
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5 answers

Google sign in and sign out in android using g-plus latest API

I have gone through some of the stackoverflow questions related to sign-in and sign-out of google plus. And most of them are outdated. I am not able to achieve what I actually want. Once I have sign-out, the next time I sign-in, I would like the…
13 answers

Sign out from google and facebook in android application

I have integrated google and facebook sign up using their respective methods. But after successful signing, I want to open different activity and similarly user can go to various different activities. I have used action bar where I am giving an…
0 answers

Android Google Plus API - PeopleApi.loadConnected returns 0 persons

I'm trying to get all the Google+ friends that logged into the app. Plus.PeopleApi.loadVisible(mGoogleApiClient, null) Returns an Array of all the visible people in Google+ but Plus.PeopleApi.loadConnected(mGoogleApiClient) Returns an empty…
Luca De Nardi
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1 answer

Ionic iOS App Error - Custom Scheme URIs are not allowed for 'WEB' client type

I am using this plugin. The implementation works fine for android. But google sign in on iOS opens safari webview and throws 400 invalid_request. I am using the ios client id and reverse…
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1 answer

Cannot find symbol variable GoogleAuthUtil after updating to Google Play services 9.0.0

Compilation error: Error:(xx, xx) error: package does not exist Error:(xx, xx) error: cannot find symbol variable GoogleAuthUtil
9 answers

Ionic Native GooglePlus login fails without any error

I followed instructions from I've created Android Client in using correct SHA-1 (re-checked using keytool -list -printcert -jarfile…
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3 answers

Codeigniter with google oauth2 adds hashtag php to redirect('usercp')

I want to be able to redirect to another controller but when user logins in with google and is success full it gets redirected to there usercp but for some reason it gets the # from the end of…
Mr. ED
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1 answer

Ionic iOS build error with google-plus plugin

How to resolve the following error? I'm not sure where to start...When trying to build my Ionic project for iOS, I get the following error: $ ionic cordova build ios .... /Plugins/cordova-plugin-googleplus/GooglePlus.h:2:9: fatal error:…
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1 answer

Authenticate Google access token with ASP.NET Core backend server

I have Angular2 on client and ASP.NET Core on server side. I use JavaScriptServices (aspnetcore-spa template). For authentication I use OpenIddict and I follow example here. Now I am on the server side in Controller class method and I would like to…
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