Questions tagged [android-cast-api]

Google Cast is a technology that enables multi-screen experiences, which allows users to send content from mobile devices and personal computers to their TVs. You can use the Google Cast Android API to add casting functionality to your Android app so users can view your app content on their big screens.

37 questions
2 answers

Android ChromeCast RuntimeException : Remote load failed. No local fallback found

I am using cast feature in my application. It was working fine but suddenly I can see the increase in the number of crashes on play store console. I am initializing CastContext properly as defined in the guidelines and Moreover, I am checking that…
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No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0

After adding Bitmovin Cast in Android project I get a lot of same issues from different devices. This solution didn't help. GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(getContext()) - returns 0 (SUCCESS) But app…
1 answer

Android support MediaRouter kills support design

I am developing an app with Cast integration. I am able to set up a cast button and I'm even able to cast my app to ChromeCast. However, when I include MediaRouter as a dependency, I get a weird style (or absence of it) for the floating action…
2 answers

Where can I find APPLICATION_ID

I'm learning cast api for android and I'm stuck at this part: mMediaRouteSelector = new MediaRouteSelector.Builder() .addControlCategory(CastMediaControlIntent.categoryForCast("YOUR_APPLICATION_ID")) .build(); Where can I find this…
Lucas Bertollo
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Programmatically call Cast Screen in Android

Is there any way to programmatically call the Cast Screen function in Android? I do not want to develop a sender app, just want to start casting the screen extactly as in the Settings -> Display -> Cast Screen without going through those…
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Name not found exception when updating to latest casting library version

So I'm trying to update the chrome cast library (from 1.x to 2.x) in my app and casting is working but when I try to add this to my manifest to enable notifications I get a package name not found exception. The reason I've targeted this as the…
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Google cast receiver framework (CAF) queueing images

I am having trouble getting CAF framework to work with queueing jpeg images. I use SDK v3 to send QueueItem array to the receiver. I expect the cast framework to show me the images one by one and not just one image only. In my test, the input…
Amit Ray
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How to detect which Cast Device is connected programatically

I have a requirement of a project in which My Application needs to know that which Cast device is my device is currently connected to. For e.g. if i cast a video using YouTube then my application should know that Now i am connected to Cast Device .…
1 answer

How to stop casting when another app starts casting?

I run two applications, both of which use Cast SDK v2 and the Remote Display API. I start casting from App #1, then go to App #2, press the cast button and select a route. Expected: App #2 starts casting, App #1 stops casting. Actual: Immediately…
plátano plomo
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Google Cast SDK v3 Reconnection Logic

In Google Cast SDK v3 documentation, it says that the reconnection logic is managed by the framework. And in this part it says that the reconnection functionality is on…
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Android v3 Cast SDK crashes

I recently upgraded our app to use the v3 Cast SDK provided through google play services. I now get the following exception on devices with google play services that are under 9.1.0 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(  at…
1 answer

Cast Entire Android Screen using Cast API

Is there any way to Cast the entire android screen as is to Chromecast using the cast API? I do not want to implement a custom receiver, just mirror the tablet/device screen to the TV by pressing a button on my app.
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How to fully disconnect from Cast device when using RemoteDisplayLocalService?

I am using Cast SDK v2 and RemoteDisplayLocalService to cast local content. In the onRouteUnselected function in MediaRouter.Callback, I stop the service with CastRemoteDisplayLocalService.stopService(). The receiver app stops; however, the system…
plátano plomo
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Is MediaInfo.Builder's contentId always a URL?

In the Chromecast Android docs, the argument to MediaInfo.Builder is called contentId. In every example I've seen, contentId is passed a URL. Must contentId be a URL, or are there other ways to address content?
plátano plomo
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1 answer

How to cast a GLSurfaceView in Google Cast SDK v3?

I would like my sender app to cast a GLSurfaceView to the receiver app in real time. This is possible in SDK v2 using the Remote Display API. Does SDK v3 have a similar feature, or must I render the contents of the GLSurfaceView to a MediaCodec…
plátano plomo
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