Questions tagged [android-cast-api]

Google Cast is a technology that enables multi-screen experiences, which allows users to send content from mobile devices and personal computers to their TVs. You can use the Google Cast Android API to add casting functionality to your Android app so users can view your app content on their big screens.

37 questions
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Connect to Chromecast using Remote Display API with WiFi Direct

In the official android documentation it says - "With the remote display APIs, your sender app can now render directly to any Cast receiver, like a Chromecast". What does directly mean here? Does it mean no wifi media channel is required/i.e. the…
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Cast api cast button not visible

I am new to Android development and I am trying to use the Android's Cast API. To start I have cloned and used the CastHelloText demo app. But there should be a cast button in the ActionBar/ToolBar which is for some reason not visible. I haven't…
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Does the API provide controls for remote video playback?

I'm aware of MediaController, but as I understand, it is only good if you have the video playing in a VideoView. I'm using the LG Connect SDK to play a video on a remote device and I'm able to implement the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl…
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Adding Dynamic Cast Button to Android Application

From the Google documentation about adding a Cast button, , it seems like the option they provide is for us to add a static button to the Action Bar. That said, what would…
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Cast Youtube videos inside my Android app directly to Youtube (in chromecast or roku or tv)

I am building an Android app with my youtube videos. I want to add casting support to these videos within my app. I don't want to build separate receiver app in chromecast but want to just use the existing youtube receiver app in…
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Can a custom Android Media Route Provider appear in the Cast dropdown list?

Media Route Providers declare entities that can receive media, but it seems that they don't appear in the same list as Chromecast in applications like Netflix. Is there a way for me to make a Media Route Provider that I can stream to from common…
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Googlecast Custom Layout

I'm planning to develop a googlecast application using android. But i'm wondering if we can use custom receiver that has a video and a layout that displays text from the android application, i have looked everywhere but i couldn't find anything…
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How to limit cast devices to screens only?

I'm writing my first Chromecast-enabled app. I want to use it as remote screen. But when I click the cast button, it also offers audio devices, which I'd like to hide. How can I do that? I suspect it's because I use…
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How do you set the Album Art Image for an AndroidX MediaRouteCastDialog using the Exoplayer Cast Library extension

I am using Google's Exoplayer dependency in this project and am utilizing their cast extension to hook into casting functionality. Whenever I cast the video from my device to another device I am able to play it without issues, but when I click on…
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How to change color in the subtitle dialog of Chromecast android sender SDK?

I would like to change the color of options provided in subtitle selection dialog of cast sender SDK. I have tried bunch of different things like, @color/white100
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Youtube Cast Button Android On Local Network

I have a doubt I have a TV which is having a Youtube TV App and an Android Phone which is having Youtube Mobile App. The TV and Mobile are on the same network whenever the mobile is connected to the local network it shows the cast button on the…
1 answer

Google Cast crash on stop casting

My custom sender application is crashing whenever I'm clicking 'STOP CASTING' on the cast-options menu in the app. The error I'm getting is: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to write to field 'java.lang.ref.WeakReference…
0 answers

Android Chromecast support MediaRouter drawable resource issue

Recently began upgrading Google's CastCompanionLibrary from v2.5.2 to the latest v2.9.1. Apparently v2.5.2 relied on android-support-v7-mediarouter-v22.2.1, while latest v2.9.1 has a gradle dependency for mediarouter-v25.0.0. All is well, until this…
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How to determine when remote display drops frames?

When I cast via the Remote Display API, sometimes I notice the receiver application drop frames. Is there a way to programmatically determine when frame drop occurs?
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Can one use CastRemoteDisplay.API and Cast.API on the same GoogleApiClient?

I am developing an Android app with CastRemoteDisplay (Cast SDK v2). When another app starts casting, I want to ensure my app stops casting, so I create my CastOptionsBuilder with the following listener: Cast.Listener listener = new Cast.Listener()…
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