Questions tagged [android-browser]

The web browser used on older (pre 4.4) and non-Google experience versions of Android, based on the open-source WebKit layout engine, coupled with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine

The web browser available in Android is based on the open-source WebKit layout engine, coupled with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. The browser scores 100/100 on the Acid3 test on Android 4.0.

522 questions
5 answers

Is it possible to detect samsung stock browser

Because the canvas bug of samsung stock browser, my program will cause error. ( So I want to disable canvas on all Samsung stock browser. Could I detect it by navigator object or other way? I…
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Detect and Handle Pop-ups in Webview and open url in new Tab or window

I just want to know is there is any other way to handle pop up for websites in android Webview and opening in new tab or open in new window using webview. open urls which are generally opened in new window in normal browser. I am still learning the…
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Android 4 ICS Ice Cream Sandwich - iframe that contains a form

Android 4 duplicates inputs when the user focuses them. This duplicate input sits on top of the real input, and it functions pretty normal. This is odd, but ok, it seems to work. However, if those inputs reside within an iframe, the duplicated input…
Bill Keller
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Launch Browser Intent with Custom Class - cannot find Activity

I want to specifically run the default Android browser for a given URL. I'm using this code: Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction("android.intent.action.VIEW");…
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Disable the firing of touchcancel in Android Browser

I am making a mobile website that uses JavaScript touch events. Things work fine in iOS Safari and Chrome for Android, but the stock Android Browser (version 4.1.2) is giving me trouble. During a touch process, the touchstart and touchmove events…
David G.
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Implementing three actions inside a single menu item in Android

I want to have similar menu item functionality as in the chrome browser for mobile as it is in the picture. I want to have back, forward, refresh menu items in a single row. How can I implement a similar menu item? is there any reference or is there…
1 answer

Position: fixed menu not working in Android 4+

When using Android 4.1 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 and viewing my website, I'm trying to get the navigation menu on the left to stay where it is but it doesn't. Whenever I click on a link from the menu and refresh the page the page, it bounces halfway…
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How to implement Android 4.0 like swipe to dismiss functionality in ListView?

I'm working on an app in which I would like to implement swipe-to-dismiss functionality in the ListView - similar to what we see in Android 4.0's notification bar, recent apps list or browser tabs. I want to run the app on the devices running…
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1 answer

image.onload fires before image is completely loaded

I'm making a game using javascript + canvas. I use the code below to ensure var imgLoaded = 0; var imgToLoad = multiImgs; var onImgLoad = function() { imgLoaded++; if(imgLoaded == imgToLoad) { ctx.drawImage() } } for(var i = 0; i…
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1 answer

Why android browser viewport is much smaller than actual screen size of the mobile phone, even when using width=device-width?

I would like to ask why my HTC Desire HD's browser reports viewport's width of 369px even though the actual pixel size of the screen is 480x800 WVGA. I am using in my page this CSS styles:
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4 answers

how to create browser for android?

dear, i am a student of bca. i have to do one project in my last semester. so i decided to create web browser which run on android o.s. but i am totally for this application. so, can any one help me for that. i already installed all…
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Android Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI does not work on all devices. How to find out the correct uri for a given device?

I am trying to use Android Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI to CRUD device bookmarks from within my app ( ) It's working fine on most of the devices, but does not work on some :-( On those…
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what's the difference between Blob and Blobbuilder or Blobbuilder's issue on android native browser

The question is not duplicate from What's the difference between BlobBuilder and the new Blob constructor? I'm doing web app. To upload image I use Blob, just in case BlobBuilder too. Blob works well, but Blob doesn't work on android native…
Ulug'bek Ro'zimboyev
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5 answers

Different rendering of font-size on Android and desktop browsers

I'm wondering why the font-size can be so different on my desktop and on my Android (the default browser, Chrome, on an up-to-date system). In summary, the font-size in

(paragraphs) is too big on Android. I use a CSS reset stylesheet (article in…

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3 answers

Google Analytics interferes with history.back() in android browser?

I have a html5 mobile app where everything exists on a single page and I use history.back/popstate/etc to change the contents of the page (via jQuery Mobile). I'm using Google Analytics to track various events, and on one page I track if the user…
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