Questions tagged [android-browser]

The web browser used on older (pre 4.4) and non-Google experience versions of Android, based on the open-source WebKit layout engine, coupled with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine

The web browser available in Android is based on the open-source WebKit layout engine, coupled with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. The browser scores 100/100 on the Acid3 test on Android 4.0.

522 questions
2 answers

Android Browser source code - compile issues

I imported the android browser source code into eclipse. But, i could not build the code due to many errors. I referred to this link and tried the steps in the tutorial. How to compile Browser source code for Android 4.0.3 But, i am facing some…
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4 answers

In Android how to make my activity behave like a browser

I have two activities "Main" (with a button in it) & "Second", and I want when I click on the button in Main activity then Second activity should be launched but it should behave like a browser. Means browser should be opened when Second activity is…
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webservice call is not working in android browser

wen i deploy my web service on server, its working good in Internet Explorer but not working in mozilla and chrome. According to this link i add this header to my serveer Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * but still its not working. then i got the…
Rikin Thakkar
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Android ICS browser fixed header style disappearing

I'm finding an odd bug in the Android ICS browser, both on my Skyrocket device and in the emulator. Basically the fixed header I have is losing almost all of it's styling (reverting to text though still fixed it appears). This appears to occur when…
1 answer

Android Browser Rendering border radius incorrectly with larger border

I'm running into a problem on the Android Webkit browser. This is happening on Android 4.0.3 and earlier. The design calls for a 15 pixel top border within a div and then rounded corners. I am using border-radius to accomplish this and this works…
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Android browser not respecting overflow: hidden with max-width

I'm trying to make my blogs readable on an android browser, but it always ends up needing to scroll horizontally. Right now, my solution is working in chrome so that when I resize the window to a width smaller than the article content the article…
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Diplaying round corners in Android browser

I have problem with displaying round edges in Android browser (in Samsung Galaxy Tab). However, it works fine in IOS browser (in iPad and iPhone i.e, Safari). As shown in the following image Link to the image Round corner display problem in Android…
Ayaz Pasha
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Android browser logs out of ASP.NET website

I have a ASP.NET Webforms application that is being used with Motorola Tablets (Android 3.2) Wenn users navigate it often logs out. In my logfile i cant find anything unusual, im using a FormsAuthenticationTicket to log the user in. Any idea how to…
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Detecting pinch in Android browser

So there seems very little around about this. I need to be able to detect pinching in the Android browser with Javascript. Not with use of a plugin (except jQuery). The only site I have seen this implemented is Google Maps. Lets just say for now I…
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JQuery UI Dialog appearing under galleria on Android

Pretty standard galleria / JQueryUI code to display a dialog on a gallery page. Jsfiddle: Dialog appearing under the galleria gallery on Android 3.1 Samsung Galaxy 10.1 I have experimented around with the z-order of the…
1 answer

Android Browser HTML Select Events onclick/onblur not working

Usually when I cant find information on an issue its due to something stupid! I currently have an Android phone and a select drop down has an onblur event. This works perfectly on mainstream desktops, but when I use it on my mobile, it appears the…
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Jquery Mobile I have two page one for android and one for iphone. How can i detect the browser and assign them?

I have a doubt in jQuery Mobile. I am building a browser page for Android and iPhone. I created both pages in two different HTML files. But i want to have one File and i want to assign the android browser for android page and iphone browser for…
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What is the simplest way to create a vertically scrolling div in the Android Browser?

Note: I realize very similar questions have been asked, but the mobile web is young and volatile, and those discussions being a couple of years old are likely out of date. I'm trying to create a simple scrolling
in the Android browser- what…
Travis Christian
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2 answers

Bug in Android web browser: address bar hides content

So, I've drunk the web-app kool-aid, and I'm switching from building Android native apps to building web apps. But I'm having really bad problems on Android browsers with the address bar (update: specifically, my HTC Desire Z running Android 2.3.3,…
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0 answers

Mozilla Mobile Android Components Browser with custom TLS CAs and KeyManagerFactory for client TLS

I want to build a web browser based on Mozilla Mobile Android Components or the Fenix reference browser. I have to modify the TLS/SSLEngine to set custom corporate CAs and to support TLS client authentication by using a custom KeyFactoryManager…
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