Questions tagged [android-actionbar-compat]

ActionBar implementation from Android Support Library component that provides an ActionBar for applications built for Android 2.1 (API level 7) and higher.

Beginning with Android 3.0 (API level 11), all activities that use the default theme have an ActionBar as an app bar. However, app bar features have gradually been added to the native ActionBar over various Android releases. As a result, the native ActionBar behaves differently depending on what version of the Android system a device may be using. By contrast, the most recent features are added to the support library's version of Toolbar, and they are available on any device that can use the support library.

For this reason, you should use the support library's Toolbar class to implement your activities' app bars. Using the support library's toolbar helps ensure that your app will have consistent behavior across the widest range of devices. For example, the Toolbar widget provides a material design experience on devices running Android 2.1 (API level 7) or later, but the native action bar doesn't support material design unless the device is running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or later

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664 questions
25 answers

Display Back Arrow on Toolbar

I'm migrating from ActionBar to Toolbar in my application. But I don't know how to display and set click event on Back Arrow on Toolbar like I did on Actionbar. With ActionBar, I call mActionbar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true). But there is no…
31 answers

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

I am trying to implement the new ActionBar support library that was released by Google a couple days ago. In the past, I have successfully implemented ActionBarSherlock without any issues using the same method listed on Google Developer's Support…
21 answers

Android: remove left margin from actionbar's custom layout

I am using a custom actionbar view, and as you can see in the screenshot below, there is a blank gray space in the actionbar. I want to remove it. What have I done: res/values-v11/styles.xml