Questions tagged [amazon-vpc]

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a private, isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define. With Amazon VPC, you can define a virtual network topology that closely resembles a traditional network that you might operate in your own datacenter.


1731 questions
13 answers

AWS - Can't detaching network interfaces - You are not allowed to manage 'ela-attach' attachments

I did the AWS mysfits tutorial and I thought the cleanup would be as simple as deleting the Cloud Formation stack. However, items failed to delete so I am trying to clean them up manually to assist the Cloud Formation stack deletion. I keep getting…
Blake Rivell
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7 answers

Connecting to Amazon RDS instance through EC2 instance using MySQL Workbench

In AWS I have a VPC set up with a Bastion Host. The bastion host is a single EC2 instance with a public address trough which you can SSH to any other server on the VPC. I have created an RDS MySQL instance within the VPC and I would like to connect…
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2 answers

AWS VPC identify private and public subnet

I have a VPC in AWS account and there are 5 subnets associated with that VPC. Subnets are of 2 types - Public and private. How to identify which subnet is public and which is private ? Each subnet has CIDR 10.249.?.? range. Basically when I launch…
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3 answers

How to specify all ports in Security group - CloudFormation

I have my CloudFormation script like this now: "SecurityGroupIngress" : [{ "IpProtocol" : "tcp", "FromPort" : "0", "ToPort" : "65535", "CidrIp" : "" }] and it looks like this, which is fine: But I am…
1 answer

Multiple VPC and Subnet with same CIDR blocks

I realized that I can create multiple AWS VPCs and Subnets with Same CIDR blocks, I am not sure what is the philosophy behind that and how it is possible.
Vaibhav Jain
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3 answers

AWS Cloudfront for VPC/VPN

Does AWS allow usage of Cloudfront for websites usage, eg:- caching web pages. Website should be accessible within corporate VPN only. Is it a good idea to cache webpages on cloudfront when using Application restricted within one network?
4 answers

How to let AWS lambda in a VPC to publish SNS notification?

I have a lambda function that accesses my Postgres db in RDS via VPC. After it queries the db, I want to post a notification to SNS. Because my lambda function exists in my VPC, it cannot access SNS. I have an internet gateway on my VPC. I read…
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8 answers

How to get the IP address of RDS instance in AWS

I got the same answer everywhere on the internet regarding my question of how to get the IP address of an RDS instance in AWS, but I don't know what dig is, and how to use it. How to allocate IP address in VPC to RDS instance? Please help me find…
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3 answers

Why can I call an on-VPC aws lambda from an off-VPC aws lambda but not vice versa?

So if I have two lambdas, one inside a private VPC, and one not on a VPC, calling the private lambda from inside the public lambda works but I cant call the public from the private lambda. There's no NAT setup. Why is this? It seems that I should…
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1 answer

Change elasticbeanstalk environment vpc

I can't seem to find any documentation on this. How do I go about changing the VPC for an elasticbeanstalk environment? I have tried changing the security group from the current group to a group in the new VPC, but amazon returns the following…
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5 answers

AWS VPC Create Subnet in with different zone

I already have a VPC (Non Default) configured which is used by Amazon EC2. I need to create another subnet (Non Default) in the same VPC with a different Availability Zone. So when I am trying to Add details, I am stuck at the CIDR Block. I am…
AvtarSingh Suchariya
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1 answer

Using knife ec2 plugin to create VM in VPC private subnet

Although I've written a fair amount of chef, I'm fairly new to both AWS/VPC and administrating network traffic (especially a bastion host). Using the knife ec2 plugin, I would like the capability to dynamically create and bootstrap a VM from my…
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4 answers

Lambda function within VPC doesn't have access to public Internet

I am trying to make an outbound API request to a third-party service from within a Lambda function, but the function always times out without any error. This previously happened when trying to perform a s3.putObject operation within a different…
Pat Needham
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4 answers

Terraform throws "groupName cannot be used with the parameter subnet" or "VPC security groups may not be used for a non-VPC launch"

When trying to figure out how to configure a aws_instance with AWS VPC the following errors occur: * Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterCombination: The parameter groupName cannot be used with the parameter subnet status code: 400,…
Dennis Hoer
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2 answers

Default AWS VPC vs A new one?

Should I use the AWS Default VPC, or should I create a new one? What are the differences and advantages to create a new one? Or, in witch situations should I select between the two?
Ofer Velich
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