Questions tagged [alpn]

Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) is a Transport Layer Security (TLS) extension for application layer protocol negotiation.

ALPN allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be performed over a secure connection in a manner which avoids additional round trips and which is independent of the application layer protocols.

More about the proposed standard:

59 questions
1 answer

Can I send http/2 request with OkHttp over NPN Negotiation?

I notice that OkHttp support h2 over ALPN in Android 5.0+. From some article,I learned that we can use NPN Negotiation for http/2 request. Can I send http/2 request with OkHttp over NPN Negotiation? So that it's possible to support h2 on android…
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Can I implements http/2 server without ALPN support?

In this way, the client can connect the server without ALPN and use http/2 default. Is that possible?
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How to run Jetty with SPDY using ALPN?

I have returned to JDK8 with Jetty and SPDY and I see that now Jetty 9.2 supports ALPN protocol instead of NPN (see my question How to run Jetty with SPDY on JDK8?). So I set bootclasspath: java…
Michał Niklas
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Is it possible to Make HTTP/2 requests with Apache HTTPClient 4.2.5?

I'm trying to make an HTTP/2 request with apache client. Is it possible with the below versions? migrating the versions in my web application cost me heavy code changes. Is there any workaround to support HTTP/2 with TLSv1.3 in…
1 answer

HTTP/2 with Ubuntu 18.04

I would like to try HTTP/2 on this site: I recently updated the server to Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2, Apache/2.4.29, etc,etc I did: sudo a2enmod http2 Added: #HTTP/2 Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1 In my VirtualHost…
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add alpn-boot jar to bootclasspath

Working with our dev team to get apple push notifications working and I need some help getting a jar into the java bootclass path. We are running RHEL 6.9 and java8. when I try to do the normal: java -Xbootclasspath/p:/opt/batch/lib/pathtojar.jar I…
Brady Lamb
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1 answer

OKHttp Android not connecting to nginx via http2 alpn

I have an android application (4.4.4+) that uses the following libraries: compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.2.0' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-urlconnection:3.2.0' compile 'com.squareup.okio:okio:1.7.0' I have nginx (version 1.9.14)…
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0 answers

When using "tls-alpn-01" challenge for let's encrypt certs in kubernetes using traefik, I'm getting "acme: error: 400 Timeout during connect"

I'm following the tutorial to use traefik as the ingress and ingress controller for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. I'm using terraform to deploy the traefik (version 1.7.24) helm chart. resource "helm_release" "traefik" { name =…
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1 answer

ALPN callback dropped: HTTP/2 is disabled. Is alpn-boot on the boot class path" on IBM Webshere 9 JAVA 8

Need help on this. Sending HTTP2 request to Apple push server using OKhttp3 client. Server: Webshere 9 Java : 8 OKhttp3 :4.8.1 Also added ALPN jar in boot classpath. ALPN jar version mapped accurately with JDK version in…
1 answer

HTTP/2 Request with JMeter fails with "nullSession" (jetty-alpn)

I've installed the Blazemeter HTTP/2 Plugin for JMeter and have trouble getting HTTP/2 requests to work. My minimal test looks like this: Thread Group HTTP2 Request Server: Protocol: https View Result Tree Http2 Running…
Fabian Schmengler
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2 answers

How to disable ALPN extension?

As per this, in libcurl, the CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN option is enabled by default. For a project, I am trying to disable the ALPN extension, as below: CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; res = curl_easy_setopt(curl_, CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN, 0L); if(res ==…
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Could not find a matching alpn-boot JAR for Java version: 12.0.2

Running sbt run on a Scala, akka-grpc project, based on their basic tutorial I get: [error] [jetty-alpn-agent] Could not find a matching alpn-boot JAR for Java version: 12.0.2 Is alpn-boot not compatible with Java 12 yet? What is this trying to…
Hunor Kovács
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Jetty Http2 Server is not working on Java 8

I m trying to deploy Http2 server with SSL using Jetty 9.4.x on Java 8. I m getting the below error when client is trying to establish a connection with the server java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection rejected: No ALPN Processor for…
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2 answers

How to add a new line to a shell file above a specific line with sed

I want to add a new line for the file apache-jmeter 4.0/bin/jmeter The last 2 lines of the file is as follows fi "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" $ARGS $JVM_ARGS $JMETER_OPTS -jar. "$PRGDIR/ApacheJMeter.jar" "$@" I want to add a line above the last line…
1 answer

Remote website ALPN support detection

Is it possible to check the support of ALPN with php curl? e.g.: if ($is_alpn == true) {echo 'ALPN supported';} P.S. curl 7.49.0, php 7.0, openssl 1.0.1t