Questions tagged [alpn]

Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) is a Transport Layer Security (TLS) extension for application layer protocol negotiation.

ALPN allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be performed over a secure connection in a manner which avoids additional round trips and which is independent of the application layer protocols.

More about the proposed standard:

59 questions
4 answers

Switch spring-webflux microservice to http/2 (netty)

Is there anyone who used spring-webflux with netty (http/2)? Spring Documentation says: You can enable HTTP/2 support in your Spring Boot application with the server.http2.enabled configuration property. This support depends on the chosen web…
Roman Dzhadan
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2 answers

Specify java agent inside 'fat jar'?

I am using the jetty-alpn-agent to add ALPN support to my project, but all I can find is instructions on how to run it from the .m2 folder, which makes me need to deploy two jar:s instead of just my one uber-jar, making it less portable. Is is…
3 answers

How to implement TLS-ALPN in .NET C# for a HTTP/2 server

does anyone know, how I can implement the TLS-ALPN in .NET? I've implemented a basic HTTP/2 server, but without TLS encryption. I searched in google, but I only found resources for C, Java or other languages, but nothing for .NET (C#)
Ringo Leese
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1 answer

ALPN callback dropped: SPDY and HTTP/2 are disabled. Is alpn-boot on the boot class path?

Trying to get Apple push notifications to work with my Spring Boot project. I'm using this apns-http2 for sending push notification. From their GitGub page: Note: Ensure that you have Jetty's ALPN JAR (OkHttp requires it) in your boot classpath.…
Drunken Daddy
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4 answers

Browser won't upgrade to h2 (HTTP/2) although "Upgrade" headers are sent

I'm trying to get h2 (HTTP/2) to work on my webserver. Installed Apache 2.4.20 via the "ondrej" repository. I tested on a Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04 server, but I keep running into the same problems. I have OpenSSL 1.0.2 and SSL vhosts running. The…
Jordi Brmn
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3 answers

Java 12 JMeter 5 HTTP/2 request java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/alpn/client/ALPNClientConnectionFactory

I am using Java 12, JMeter 5.1.1 on Ubuntu 9.0.4 and bumps into the following exception when trying to send HTTP/2 request: Response code: Non HTTP response code: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException Response message: Non HTTP response message:…
Kok How Teh
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3 answers

FirestoreException - Could not find TLS ALPN provider - no working netty-tcnative

I have a desktop app made in Java/Kotlin with Firebase (specifically Firestore realtime) connection. It works properly in my notebook (Windows via Parallels) and in some others Windows tested. But, in some pcs I always get an error:…
0 answers

Ignore -Xbootclasspath/p command line flag with Java 11+

Is there a way to ignore the -Xbootclasspath/p flag inside the java command line with Java 11 withoiut removing it such that the same command line can be used for Java 8 and Java 11? The command line I am using is the following with ALPN. java…
Nicolas Henneaux
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1 answer

Conscrypt with jdk8 to enable ALPN for http2

I have been searching how to implement Conscrypt SSL provider using conscrypt-openjdk-uber-1.4.1.jar for jdk8 to support ALPN for making a http2(using apache httpclient 5) connection to a server as jdk8 does not support ALPN by default or the other…
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2 answers

ClassNotFoundException: org/eclipse/jetty/alpn/ALPN, but I have access to this class

I have such code: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("ALPN class: " + ALPN.class); HelloWorldClient client = new HelloWorldClient("localhost", 10009); } This gives such output: ALPN class: class…
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2 answers

HTTP/2 h2 with no ALPN support in server

After reading both HTTP/2 RFC (#7540) and TLS-ALPN RFC (#7301), I'm still unable to figure out the expected behavior when ALPN is lacking in one end. Assuming I have a client that uses HTTP/2 "h2" (over TLS) that talks to a server that support…
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1 answer

Block HTTP/2 at the firewall level

I'm having trouble blocking the use of HTTP/2 in order to force browsers to use HTTP/1 as the protocol inside https. TLS MITM is out of the question, NFQUEUE-like usermode packet filtering may be considered at most, depending on processing…
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2 answers

Reference Jar within main Jar to pass as javaagent to JVM

I need to add a -javaagent argument in my JVM args when running jar1, but reference jar2 that is contained within jar1. I have tried: -javaagent:BOOT-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-agent-2.0.0.jar" with no success. How do I determine the location of JARs…
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2 answers

HTTP/2 Java 8, Jetty and ALPN

I went thru this page: to have an ALPN boot jar in my classpath and still I can't get it working. I am confused as to know if I need an Open SDK Java 8 than Oracle Java 8. My Java…
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1 answer

Google Cloud Bigtable HBase shell connectivity hangs

To start, I think this issue is related to the issue in this post. However, the fix for HBase shell connectivity suggested in comments did not work for me either, and I see no resolution. Connecting to my Bigtable cluster from the HBase shell just…
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