Questions tagged [aloha-editor]

The term aloha-editor refers to the correspondent modern html5 wysiwyg editor.

The term aloha-editor refers to the correspondent modern html5 wysiwyg editor.

Use the tag when:

  • The question is about developing plugins for aloha editor.
  • The question is about using aloha editor in your web application.
  • The question is related to aloha-editor.

See also the official homepage.

95 questions
0 answers

Aloha Editor: is there a way to prevent it from breaking up a text node with

on enter or paste?

The aloha editor inserts either a
tag or a

tag when you press enter, or you paste something that has newlines in it. Now this was fine, until I wanted to use the {aligned} environment in MathJax, that would have a format…

1 answer

Preventing line breaks - ENTER keypresses. Instead - fire custom event

I'd like to use Aloha to WYSIWYG-edit single-line headlines. For that I need to intercept ENTER keypress (to prevent line-break) and fire custom save event. Is there a way to do that? Thanks!
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React Click handler not working but jQuery dom render does

I'm not sure how to phrase the differences between these so plase bear with me: I have a react app that uses the Aloha Editor library. I have a parent with two children: ContentBlock -> ContentBlockCanvas -> ContentBlockToolbar There's a…
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Format tab in Ektron's Aloha editor: not loading plugins/ektron/format/format-plugin.js and need to add a button

Using Ektron 9.00 SP3 I'm trying to figure out why Ektron's plugin/ektron/format plugin is not being loaded. The goal is to add a span button missing under the tag buttons under the Format tab in the Aloha editor and add a div button as well. The…
2 answers

How can you add another stylesheet to Aloha editor in Ektron?

I am trying to figure out how to add another stylesheet to Aloha so that the content body will use an external font when the content is being edited. However, I cannot find where Ektron sets the css file that Aloha uses when building its elements. …
1 answer

How can I toggle a ui button such as "bold" in Aloha editor?

How can I toggle a ui button such as "bold" in Aloha editor? This seems like an easy task, but I can't seem to figure it out... aloha(document.querySelector('#editable')); // Assuming I have a button with class…
Josh Voigts
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Aloha editor GPL v.2 on a commercial website?

Though I found some exhausting answers to Aloha Editor licencing, and even found this reference to another editor on LGPL: I didn't found clear answer to whether I can put…
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TYPO3-NEOS How to disable ajax on admin editor

i'm new with typo3 neos and it's editor (aloha) I want to make this editor as an admin panel too, so it needs to load every javascript/css included within the page, the problem is, the editor load page using ajax, so the javascript is not loaded,…
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Losing events after replacing HTML content with aloha editor

I've got a table plugin for the aloha-editor, which, when creating a new table, puts up some extra styles and extra cells used for selecting rows and columns. When the tables are created, events are attached to them which remove the extra styles…
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Aloha Editor and Ember

I'm having difficulties integrating the Aloha Editor to Ember. I'm able to generate an editable area. However, I cannot make the editable text Bold. I created this JSBin:…
Samuel Segal
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Insert Text in the cursor position inside Aloha Editor

Question: How I can copy some text in drop event, inside the Aloha Editor on the final cursor position (drop). With this code I have strange behavior, I can copy the text, but in the drag div not in the drop div I guess is a problem with Aloha…
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Aloha editor IE8 error with Plugin Block

I need help with one error I have with Plugin Block. I have two editors with Aloha, I define in the first editor, one Block(span),and finally I want drag/drop this block to the second editor, I can do it but after I have this error in IE8: JScript:…
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Integrate drag and drop functionality into Aloha Editor HTML5

i'm using the Aloha Editor for my school project and i would like if someone could help me to integrate the drag'n drop functionality into the project. I have found this page but they are not specific in their explanations because i don't know where…
1 answer

Aloha Editor: Add new styles to the toolbar and content

How to add the custom styles to the aloha editor. I have a block of that text i would like to add some background color and extra markup to the block of text. for eg. ddhjhdhs ahdksahd hkjdhasjhdkjh hdjkhsakj hdjshd shj hdjsahdkja…
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1 answer

How to add code tags in aloha editor...?

I would like to add code tag to my aloha editor. can any one please tell me how to add the 'code' to aloha editor
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