Questions tagged [aloha-editor]

The term aloha-editor refers to the correspondent modern html5 wysiwyg editor.

The term aloha-editor refers to the correspondent modern html5 wysiwyg editor.

Use the tag when:

  • The question is about developing plugins for aloha editor.
  • The question is about using aloha editor in your web application.
  • The question is related to aloha-editor.

See also the official homepage.

95 questions
1 answer

Selection.addRange() is deprecated and will be removed from Chrome

I recently noticed the following message in chrome's console log, while using aloha editor: aloha.js:14579 - The behavior that Selection.addRange() merges existing Range and the specified Range is deprecated and will be removed in M58, around April…
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2 answers

Is there a wiki that works with Aloha editor (or hallo-js)?

I have a dokuwiki wiki set up on my server, and I would love to be able to edit the wiki with inline editing, a la Aloha Editor or Hallo Editor. On the Aloha editor home page they mention that you could use it for wikis in passing, but there are no…
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3 answers

How can I fix the Aloha HTML5 Editor to a specific position on the page?

I need the Aloha editor to be pinned to a specific position instead of bouncing around all over the page. Is there a configuration option for that? There is an "append" option for configuring Aloha but I can't figure out how to apply or even if it…
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1 answer

Listening to the Aloha Editor "aloha-smart-content-changed" Event?

Accoriding to the Aloha Editor docs you can listen for the "aloha-smart-content-changed" event for help in, say, saving the data to whatever persistence mechanism you are using. Here is an example of what I am trying to do: …
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3 answers

How to disable Aloha Editor toolbar?

Is there a way to disable Aloha's ExtJS toolbar in the same way as sidebar? Aloha.settings = modules: ['aloha', 'aloha/jquery'] editables: '.editable' jQuery: $ sidebar: disabled: true toolbar: disabled: true #…
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2 answers

Aloha editor: Inserting images/pictures

I'm using Aloha editor for editing content on a website powered by PHP and MySQL. It's working fine, but I need to be able to insert images/pictures. I found an Aloha editor plugin for that. Here are some…
Zdeněk Gromnica
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2 answers

aloha interface is not displayed correctly (screenshot)

I've followed the instructions how to "install" aloha editor as described in Aloha editor is loaded (as you can see in the photo) but not correctly You can see the foto here: this is some javascript i used:
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2 answers

Delete an image in the aloha-editor

The Aloha Editor ships with an image plugin that enables users to edit images inline. However, i've not found a way to delete an image in the editor. I'm on a Mac, and i've tried: Press Backspace when the image is selected Press Backspace wehn the…
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2 answers

Deployment of a rails 3.1 app fails with capistrano

I try to deploy my rails 3.1 application with capistrano but it fails with following output: rake aborted! File name too long -…
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1 answer

Extending the format plugin for Aloha Editor

Is there any real help out there on how to extend the aloha editor? What I am trying to do is extend their floating menu- I want to add a drop down list with custom fields. For instance, if a user selects a custom field then a label is added into…
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0 answers

insert special character with editor and set font family dynamically

Is there a way of using jquery to listen to an event live and check that a special character has been inserted on the page with Aloha editor and jquery will set this special character to an inline style of font-family: FontAwesome For instance, I…
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2 answers

How to remove yellow borders from editable content in the Aloha Editor javascript plugin?

I'm struggling with customizing the Aloha Editor. I'd like to remove the yellow borders around the editable content: In Github, the same question was asked, and the answer given was, the highlight plugin shows the user editable areas when he…
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0 answers

Is there Aloha editor plugin with which I can apply custom predefined classes?

I would like to apply class to block element with Aloha editor. Core Aloha editor can apply block elements like p, h1, h2, h3. Is there plugin that could add predefined custom classes to those block elements, like p.smaller or h2.crazy, so that…
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1 answer

Aloha editor - connecting a directory in the repository browser

I am experimenting with the Aloha inline HTML5 editor ( I am creating a CMS system that will allow the administrator to upload files for download. These will go into an upload directory (public_html/upload). When a user wants…
Thomas Clayson
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1 answer

How to add a Plugin in Aloha Editor

I am using Aloha Editor for my website. I am new to Aloha Edior. I want to add Font Size, Font Family & Text Color plugins to my editor. I got the plugins from this link: I am not sure how to…
Dheeraj Avvari
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