The aloha editor inserts either a <br> tag or a <p> tag when you press enter, or you paste something that has newlines in it. Now this was fine, until I wanted to use the {aligned} environment in MathJax, that would have a format like:

2x+3 &= 7 & 2x+3-3 &= 7-3 \\
2x &= 4 & \frac{2x}2 &= \frac42 \\
x &= 2

where \[...\] are delimiters indicating that MathJax should process the contents. Aloha editor wraps each line in a <p> tag that separates the delimiters so MathJax is unable to process them.

So my question is, is there a way to paste or enter text into aloha without splitting it into multiple text nodes? Alternatively, is there a way to make MathJax read delimiters across tags?

Edit: I'm asking because I don't want to do something like

var math="";
    math= $(startEl).html();
    var startIndex = $(startEl).index();
    var endIndex = $(startEl).parent().find("p:contains(\])").first().index();
    $(startEl).siblings().slice(startIndex, endIndex).each(function(index){
    $(startEl).siblings().slice(startIndex, endIndex).remove();

to take the TeX inside the separate <p>s and put it into one <p> because it doesn't feel robust at all

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