Questions tagged [alfresco]

Alfresco Open Source Enterprise Content Management Software

Alfresco is an open source enterprise content management software. It features a content repository, which can be embedded in applications, and several products built on top of the repository: Document Management, Records Management, and Collaboration (Alfresco Share).

More information on Alfresco is available at

Alfresco also maintains a wiki, forum and online documentation, which can often contain the answer to your problems. Several people regularly hang out at #alfresco in freenode IRC (Check out channel logs here). And, there is a Google Group called "Alfresco Technical Discussion".

The Alfresco tag here is best used for questions around configuring, extending, customising and building on top of Alfresco. For questions on installing and provisioning Alfresco, the Alfresco tag on ServerFault may be a better bet

3412 questions
1 answer

How to access document properties from a webscript in Alfresco?

I am using Alfresco Enterprise 6.2. I want to restrict a document upload and display a pop up message if a document title contain a certain text. I have looked at and could not see document properties containing titlr, description…
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How to upload file using Laravel Guzzle HTTP client

I'm using the Alfresco Rest API from a Laravel application! To do so, I use the laravel guzzlehttp/guzzle package. Below is my code. When I run it, I get a status 400 The documentation of my endpoint can be found here:…
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How to manage Alfresco content from a Laravel application?

Previously, I installed Alfresco through docker-compose. and I also installed the alfresco-laravel package in my laravel project. but from there I don't know how to make Alfresco and Laravel communicate. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance
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Could not resolve dependencies for project org.alfresco:alfresco-transformer-base:jar:2.3.5-SNAPSHOT:

I have cloned the below alfresco project, have been trying to compile the application, however, I am getting the below errors. I have downloaded the maven on my mac. Any Solutions? [INFO] BUILD…
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ACA application don't display repo constrain property as dropdown

I have defined constrain property in repo like this: In the ACA application but this property looks like text property without dropdown. Is there any way how to show this property as dropdown ? Many thanks
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How to install and configure Alfresco Community on local computer with Alfresco Office Service (AOS) Configured

I am trying to install Alfresco on local computer with the manual option. So far I have tried the installation on the version 5.2 using the .bin file in ubuntu and the .exe file in Windows, however, the AOS service is not working. After a few…
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Cannot find Alfresco Repository on this server. Does this application have cross-context permissions?)

After installing the Alfresco WAR's I'm getting the error message in the browser after startup: "Cannot find Alfresco Repository on this server. (Does this application have access to Does this application have…
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Junit test case for Alfresco in Jenkins pipeline

I am trying to write Junit test case for Alfresco webscripts I have written. I have webscripts which create users, groups, folders and apply group permissions on folders. The folder creation webscript takes CSV file as an input and applied…
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OCR files on Alfresco using pypdfocr

I can't OCR files on Alfresco using pypdfocr. Hello everyone, I'm starting with Alfresco and I'm having some difficulty configuring pypdfocr in Alfresco and using it. I installed Alfresco on an Ubunto 18.04.5 LTS, using this: wget…
Tery K.
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Alfresco Context initialization failed: RenditionServiceException after backup restore

Alfresco won't start with RenditionServiceException. Alfresco version is community 6.1.2. I have followed the hot backup guidelines to backup Alfresco. Now I wanted to test something in Alfresco and restored the backup per guidelines to a new…
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Downgrade alfersco 6.2(with governance service 6.2) to alfresco 5.2(with record management 2.7 b)

Can we downgrade alfersco 6.2(with governance service 6.2) to alfresco 5.2(with record management 2.7 b)? I tried but getting this error Caused by: org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 07200018 Downgrading of modules is not…
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How to get duplicates in Alfresco?

I have a task: "to get a duplicates (documents with same property value) from Alfresco database with count duplicates amounts". In MySql there will be something like that: mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) AS repetitions, last_name, first_name -> FROM…
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alfresco files thumbnail view not appearing

Hi I am new to alfresco and trying to fix a prod issue, all of a sudden files(mostly jpeg/png) uploaded earlier(before 1 months) cannot be viewed under folder and it is showing as empty folder. but when i click on download it is downloading the full…
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Apache Solr doesn't start without explicit error logs

My Apache Solr service doesn't start well and I don't find any Error in the log file that can explain why (you can find the startup logs below). When I try to call this server I get a 500 error. I can't connect to the Solr interface…
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Alfresco Process Service - Unit/Integration Test

I am using Alfresco Process Service For workflow Management. I have created custom workflow where I am using service Task For Operation. I have created JavaDelegate for that Service Task and it is working. My Problem How Can I create…
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