Questions tagged [alfresco]

Alfresco Open Source Enterprise Content Management Software

Alfresco is an open source enterprise content management software. It features a content repository, which can be embedded in applications, and several products built on top of the repository: Document Management, Records Management, and Collaboration (Alfresco Share).

More information on Alfresco is available at

Alfresco also maintains a wiki, forum and online documentation, which can often contain the answer to your problems. Several people regularly hang out at #alfresco in freenode IRC (Check out channel logs here). And, there is a Google Group called "Alfresco Technical Discussion".

The Alfresco tag here is best used for questions around configuring, extending, customising and building on top of Alfresco. For questions on installing and provisioning Alfresco, the Alfresco tag on ServerFault may be a better bet

3412 questions
3 answers

Which is faster for recursion: javascript server side or freemarker?

i've got a webscript in alfresco which is written in javascript. In this webscript i have a lot of recursion (foreach loops) to do to generate the values that are used by a freemarker template to build a JSON. The problem is that javascript is very…
Nicola Peluchetti
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1 answer

How to select a document whit a specific child in Alfreso?

I have a set of documents where some of them have a child (associtaion type "ecmccontent:content_origin") and some of them don't have such child association. I need a result set of documents without such association, how to do that (in any query…
1 answer

How do I setup/edit Alfresco Source Code from the Github Repo

im completely new to working with open-source software and at the moment I am very lost. I understand that the source code is located in the Alfresco repo on Github( What I'm trying to do is aquring Alfresco Community…
0 answers

How to return multiple InputStream objects in rest API response?

I have one rest API developed in Java SpringBoot in which I am able to single InputStream object in a response using following code. public ResponseEntity export(request) throws FileNotFoundException { InputStream inputStream…
Deepak Talape
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Set visibility condition based on variable value which is in array format in alfresco process design

Set visibility condition based on variable value which is in array format in alfresco process design. How to set the visibility condition based on variable value which is in array format. For example, My variable is as follows: { name:…
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0 answers

Set visibility condition based on selection of multiple checkbox stencil

I am using multiple checkbox stencil in activiti 7. On select of checkbox I want to set visibility. On select of single checkbox it is showing and hiding fields properly but if i try to enter text in that text field on enter of first character it is…
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1 answer

Site and Object mapping is not working after Salesforce and Alfresco integration

I have integrated Alfresco with Salesforce using Salesforce content connector app, and I am also able to see all Alfresco repository contents in Salesforce, but I am not able to do Site and Object mapping in Salesforce. I am able to see all alfresco…
2 answers

Upload REST API shows 400 bad request

I have an ESB webservice client which upload document to Alfresco using following RestAPI . http://:8080/alfresco/service/api/upload I understand , API to be called as multipart / form data , with file and mandatory fields . When i executed…
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Alfresco object finder get current value

I have an Alfresco community 5.2 installation with a custom form, in this form I have some object finder components, the object-finder component uses hidden fields to keep track of the items you've selected and removed using the picker. A common use…
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Alfresco document getting 0kb after check in using JAVA

I'm trying to do a checkin from a new version of my Alfresco document, but after this process the file is getting 0kb. File file; file = new File(pastaTemporaria + name); BigInteger fileLength = BigInteger.valueOf(file.length()); try (InputStream…
Tery K.
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1 answer

Inbound mail Alfresco

I want to manage my inbound emails in Alfresco the same way demonstrated in the next picture or more detailed in this video How can I do that? I'm using Alfresco 6.2 community.
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2 answers

How to create custom docker Image for Alfresco 6.2 with any custom/addon amp files

I am trying to create custom docker image for Alfresco 6.2, I already did the set-up for Alfresco 6.2 docker container and it's up and running fine. Now I have to create custom docker image by adding/installing following amp files in the custom…
2 answers

How to install salesforce content connector amps in alfresco 6.2 docker container

I have installed Alfresco 6.2 using docker and it's vanilla instance is up and running. Now, I have to install following Salesforce content connector amp files, but I am…
2 answers

How can I download a file from Alfresco Server using java?

As I am totally new in alfresco I have manually uploaded a file in alfresco server and now i want to download this uploaded file using java code, can anybody suggest/help me in it on how to achieve this scenario?? thanks in advance.
0 answers

How to search Alfresco for empty property?

I have Alfresco 5.2 and my task is "to get all documents with empty (one of) property", I am creating a query searchParameters.setQuery("search +TYPE:\"ecmcndintregst:nd_int_reg_standards\" +@ecmcnddoc\\:doc_name_ru:\"\"…
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