Questions tagged [alfresco-enterprise]

98 questions
2 answers

Alfresco Activiti - Create multiple instances of the same subprocess

I have what seemed like a fairly simple requirement for a process that im beginning to question is even possible. The image below shows my current process. I am trying to achieve two things: A user creates an initial user task for adding a note,…
Master Yoda
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1 answer

How to create a search Action in Alfresco

I am using Alfresco Enterprise 6.2. Similar to the live search, I am creating a search Action for folders that I have in document library. I have updated the custom-actions.js as follows: onActionSearch: function dla_onActionSearch(record){ …
1 answer

How to write a custom evaluator for Share in Alfresco 4.2.2?

For example, I need the evaluator, which I could use to show the action in Share. If the current user is the author of the document, then I'll show the action. The project structure is presented below…
1 answer

Capture Alfresco workflow task re-assignment and display it in workflow summary

As part of our regulatory requirements, we would like to capture the task reassignment in the workflow history in the workflow summary page. To achieve this, when the task is getting reassigned, I'm completing current task as system, setting the…
1 answer

Where to put the live-search-docs config file in all in one alfresco project?

I have been going through some blog posts that tell how to customize the live search . What is not clear to me is where should I place the live-search-docs.get.config.xml file in my all-in-one-share project so that it is bootstrapped and deployed in…
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How to get Aspect specific properties using Open CMIS

I am doing content migration activity. in that i am able to migrate actual content from one repository to other. but i also want to migrate meta-date for same. I have some aspect's associated with my content and every aspect is having some…
0 answers

Alfresco 6.2 Solr waiting for updated index in ITs

We are currently upgrading our Alfresco 5.x to Alfresco 6.2 but we have troubles with our integration-tests especially the ones which are creating and searching for nodes. The integration-tests were using the NO INDEX Solr which makes the created…
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Audit trail information for GROUP / authorityContainer on Alfresco

I'm trying to find when a particular group is created and who has created it,but unfortunately I couldn't find this information in the Node Browser as well as database also. I noticed the cm:auditable aspect is missing on the group node(here…
1 answer

Can we use Crawler in alfresco repository to find content with specific aspect or property?

I want to fine All content with specific aspect and property value in alfresco. I am trying to traverse All contents in alfresco repository. But Its taking to much time because there are huge number of contents in repository. So I am thinking to use…
2 answers

Activiti 6.0.0 Unable to get the Form properties while completing task

I am new to Activiti 6.0.0 I have created one process with user task and second user task has two form properties but when I have completed first user task and try to complete second user task then form properties not display and I am unable to…
Charnjeet Singh
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Alfresco content search inside current folders or it's childs

I want to customize Alfresco share in such a way, where I can search contents from specific folder or it's child folders only. If I am searching document inside XYZ folder of particular site the it should search documents within that XYZ folder or…
1 answer

Publish to Alfresco task programmatically

I am using Activiti 1.9.03 and Alfresco 5.2.4 enterprise versions. I have a requirement where I have to maintain the version of the generated report document and also uploaded document (if user edits it). Right now After each user tasks, I am adding…
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I want to audit search parameters used in alfresco search form

I want to audit search parameters used in alfresco search form. I am using version : Alfresco Enterprise v5.1.1 If i search jbong then in alfresco log i want to see something like…
1 answer

How to access alfresco global property from a share client-side javascript?

I have the following property in my alfresco-global-properties file. customAction.enabled=true I want to access this value from custom-actions.js file in share. What is the best and easiest way to do achieve this? Can I use rootScope variable in…
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2 answers

How to correctly customise search.get.js in Alfresco?

I'm using Alfresco Enterprise 6.2. Actual changes I need to make belongs to the search.lib.js This is an import in the search.get.js. I tried modifying search.lib.js itself and had no effect. So I populated the import in the search.get.js and…
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