Questions tagged [airplane]

Airplane is a setting to disable the device's signal transmitting functions on mobile devices.

Airplane mode is a setting available on most modern mobile electronic devices like cellphone, tablet and etc. that when engaged, suspends the device's signal transmitting functions (both WIFI and Cellular network), thereby disabling the device's capacity to place or receive calls or text messages or access internet, while still permitting use of other functions, and let user use the device in some restricted area like Airplane.

108 questions
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Bluetooth not working properly

I have an app that communicates between two iPhones with Bluetooth. When a play is made on one device it shows on the other. I want to use it on an airplane for trips however if I turn ON airplane mode and then turn ON Bluetooth the app doesn't…
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2 answers

How to restart airplane mode programmatically iphone

I am studying about coding and I got a question to control airplane mode in iphone programmatically For android phone, we can use usb connection and adb to send unix command to control airplane mode. Is there any possibility to control airplane…
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Region monitoring while Device is in Airplane mode

I can see that from iOS 8.3 onwards , location services are working fine in airplane mode and per second locations are delivered. But I am not able to get the region monitoring ie, region exit or region enter when device is in ariplane mode. Can…
2 answers

App to turn off airplane mode on android

First little background why i need to write this app. My phone got wet and unfortunately screen doesn't work now (I can't see anything and I can't press anything). Phone has airplane mode turn on so my photos cannot synchronize. I cannot connect…
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How to detect airplane mode on whole application in android

I am working on developing an Android app that will detect airplane mode throughout whole application. where to i add this code? @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) public static boolean…
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How to prevent CoreData from completing iCloud Ubiquity setup/merging during testing?

I'm following the docs/guide here: After…
Kenny Wyland
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Want to find out if iPhone can receive incoming calls (airplane mode)

My application's users don't like interruptions like incoming phone calls. I want to find out if the device is in Airplane mode, warn the user about possible interruptions and recommend invoking Airplane mode. The reachability examples tell me if…
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Check for Airplane mode while data roaming is enabled with Apple's Reachability Class

The below snippet is used to check the network availability in an application using Apple's Reachability class. - (BOOL) networkAvailable{ return connectivityStatus != NotReachable && ![delegate isForcedOutOfCoverage];} isForcedOutOfCoverage is an…
Dhammini F.
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Android System App Permissions

I'm busy trying to add some functions to an app to do things like toggle airplane mode, or change APN settings etc. For this I need permissions like "write_secure_settings" and "write_apn_settings", which are only allowed for system apps. Just for…
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android settings: not found (/system/bin/settings missing)

I've built a tasker like app called Condi. In order to enable disable airplane mode in the latest Jellybeans and higher I use this terminal command: settings put global airplane_mode_on 1 this works well but on some phones the settings command is…
Anton Wolkov
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4 answers

How to go to next line after every row in a 2D array?

So I need to come up with something like this: It's a layout of seats on an airplane. 1 A B C D 2 A B C D 3 A B C D 4 A B C D 5 A B C D 6 A B C D 7 A B C D But instead my code prints this: ABCD ABCABCD ABCABCD ABCABCD ABC This is my code, any…
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Airplane mode in HTC devices (Android)

I am trying to make a simple airplane mode toggle app for android. I am able to turn the airplane mode ON but when I toggle it off, the mobile network is not turning back ON on my HTC Thunderbolt (Android 2.3.4). wifi is working fine. Wifi and…
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How can I know if airplane mode is on?

Possible Duplicate: Determining if Airplane Mode is enabled on an iPhone? My application is using the GPS, and I check its availability with : if([CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled] && [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] ==…
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Android: LocationManager when Airplane mode on

I am testing the location part of my app with various configurations. In AirPlane mode I don't get any message sent to ILocationListener, good or bad, from the following LocationManager on an Android 2.2. In this case the bestProvider is…
Ian Vink
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1 answer

android:null pointer exception in airplane mode

I am making an app in which i have to check whether the device is in airplane mode or not and i am using follwing code and it is null pointer exception .My code is as follows: public static boolean isAirplaneModeOn(Context context) { …
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