Questions tagged [addressbookui]

The Address Book UI framework for iOS provides controllers that facilitate displaying, editing, selecting, and creating records in the Address Book database.

The Address Book UI framework is a framework for iOS () that provides controllers that facilitate displaying, editing, selecting, and creating records in the Address Book database.

External resources:

81 questions
4 answers

How to get all phone numbers with labels for all contacts in address book?

I want to get all the phone numbers with diff labels like "iPhone", "home phone", "mobile number", "other numbers" , etc. for a contact stored in iPhone address book. How do I get it? Please help. Thanks in advance. I am trying: which is…
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1 answer

strange 48 byte leaks in app using ABPeoplePickerNavigationController and Core Data

At this point I'm not sure if these leaks might be CoreData related or what, since I've experienced 48 byte strdup leaks in other parts of this same app for apparently different reasons - see my other question:another stack overflow question But,…
1 answer

EXC_BAD_ACCESS with ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

Code works fine in Xcode Simulator, but when I tested it on real device, app hangs with error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS, (code 1, address 0x0) ABMultiValueRef multi = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonEmailProperty); NSString* contactEmail =…
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Not able to make a phone call, email someone etc using the iOS address book framework

I have implemented an address book framework in my app and I am creating a new contact and setting some information in it and then display it on later. But when I am actually displaying the view I cannot get the phone app or the email app to open up…
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2 answers

ABPersonViewController won't show on Push

So here's the scenarion, I've got a SearchController that displays filtered results from my apps list of contacts and that present in my addressbook as well. The code that pushes the ABPersonViewController is present in my didSelectObject:atIndex…
Paul John Parreno
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1 answer

iOS AddressBookUI - 'Shouldn't be trying to show more than one Add to Existing Contact people picker.'

I'm trying add some addressbook functionality to my app, but after tap the second time to the 'Add to existing' button I get this error message. * Assertion failure in -[ABPersonViewControllerHelper…
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2 answers

How to create contact profile picture on UITableViewGrouped in iphone

Currently, I have a UITableViewController in grouped option. I am trying to create something similar to Address Book UI which has profile contact picture and its name adjacent to it. Is there a way to add a profile picture above the company name and…
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2 answers

how to add custom bar button item to navigation bar in AddressBookUI application like edit in place of cancel

I can not understand why navigation bar is not going to add any button other than cancel button in Following code this kind of thing done in Viber application so it is possible ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *picker =…
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1 answer

How to fetch contact id in your iOS app?

I am new to iOS and I have fetched contacts in my app, but how to fetch the contact id... suppose if there are two numbers saved with the same name, so how to fetch that particular contact name's id?
1 answer

Getting \U00a , While fetching multiple phone numbers from the contact iOS

I am trying to fetch multiple phone numbers from the contacts of device. It's working fine if the contact have only one number, but it's f***** when they have multiple numbers (which means that I'm getting "\U00a" in between the numbers). I tried…
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1 answer

Disable contact detail view in ios (AddressBook)

Right now i am using the it is working fine, it is opening the address view controller, after tapping in a contact it goes to the detail view where I can click on any property to select and get the information. below…
Parv Bhasker
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1 answer

"Binary operator '<' cannot be applied to two CFIndex operands" - choosing a phone number from ABMultiValue (Address Book)

I'm trying to use AddressBook and AddressBookUI to show a view of the address book, where a user can then tap on a contact and then the phone number, and the app receives the phone number. I'm having an issue when I iterate through the ABMultiValue…
Sam Heather
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0 answers

How to load iPhone Contacts very quickly in my ios App

I have more than 20,000 contacts in my iPhone, i need to show all those contacts in the application very quickly, but i need to compare every iphone contact with my core data attribute named as "phonenumber" matched or not, For this im using…
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0 answers

Reusing the "Add New Contact" screen

I'm developing a user details management app...and am keen to reuse the existing user interface that comes along with the standard iOS Address Book functionality for adding a new user...I would, however, need to customise the properties to suit the…
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1 answer

ABNewPersonViewController to save contact locally

I have looked all over SO and elsewhere and I suppose what I am trying to do is not possible. I am wondering if its possible to use ABNewPersonViewController to create a person and save it locally (i.e. not in the address book but as a file). Or if…
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