Questions tagged [ad-hoc-network]

22 questions
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Beacon size vs message size in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

I'm working on neighbor discovery protocols in wireless ad-hoc networks. There are many protocols that rely only on beacon messages between nodes when the discovery phase is going on. On the other hand, there are other approaches that try to…
Raudel Ravelo
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the difference between wi-fi direct and mobile ad-hoc networks in smart phones?

I want to create a mobile ad-hoc network for android devices.But first I want to know the differences between wi-fi direct, mobile ad-hoc networks and SPANs. Could anybody explain for me? Thanks.
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How to implement routing protocols on Estinet network simulator?

I am trying to implement routing protocols such as AODV and DSR in a vanet simulation using Estinet ( previously called NCTUns network simulator ) However, i cant find any information on how this is achieved. Is there…
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How to connect raspberry to WEP encrypted and dhcp enabled Ad-Hoc network

I have Three Rasbperry Pi3 and I have configured 2 of them as dhcp enabled ad-hoc network server they are working fine and I can connect to them using Windows PC and Linux PC as well as from Mobile. The dhcp also assigns the 'Laptop, PC and Mobile'…
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Best filter for MANET

I know about Bloom filter. It is very useful where storage requirement is less and where we need to check only whether element is "definitely not exist" or "may exist" e.g. mobile devices, browser in-memory. As Best example given by Tarun I need to…
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Capturing signal strength per packet while associated to an ad-hoc network

I am implementing an ad-hoc routing protocol and would like the ability to capture the associated signal strength (in terms of RSSI or SNR) on a per-packet basis. I have been able to achieve this in monitor mode, however I will need to be able to do…
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Broadcasting hello message in adhoc network using socket () in python

I have one server and other some client nodes in the ad-hoc network. Some nodes are in the range of server which can directly be received hello message and broadcast to neighbors but which nodes are not in the range of server that will receive hello…
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Not able to receive UDP packets in ns-3 in examples/wireless/

Executing examples/wireless/ doesn't print "Received one packet". output on terminal, it only prints 'build' finished successfully (27.227s) Testing from node 24 to 0 with grid distance 500 i'm not able to find any UDP…
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Switchable ad-hoc wireless network on Raspberry Pi 3 - Every Client Response Differently

I have an application with an embedded Raspberry Pi 3 B+ that I need a user to set up on their wireless network. The user can't access the Pi directly. I want the Pi to start with an ad-hoc network connection so the user sees it like an available…
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NS3 how to get the following attributes of node

I am new to NS3. I am trying to get these parameters from a node can someone please help me to get these parameters? 1 Computing Power 2 Numbers of Transactions 3 Energy Consumed for One Transaction 4 Node Latency 5 Bandwidth 6 Residual Energy
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How to get current data rate or available bandwidth value in NS-3 or DCE-NS-3?

I am trying to get the current data rate or available bandwidth on each Wi-Fi Interface in DCE-NS-3 or NS-3. I have two mobile nodes in Wi-Fi Adhoc mode, with IEEE 802.11b and g standards. The bandwidth that I am setting is 11 Mbps and 54 Mbps. But…
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How to work with energy model in ns3 as in ns2 for energy modifying protocol as energy aware?

After going through some examples and number simulation, I was not able to implement the energy efficient routing on ns3 like I performed in ns2. The documentation on '' states: An energy model has been implemented in…
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converting openstreet map into tcl file using SUMO

here is the error i am facing after running uttara.tcl which created from a sumo file: ~/vanet$ ns uttara.tcl num_nodes is set 47 warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl INITIALIZE THE LIST xListHead Starting…
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Using multicast socket in Ad-hoc network yelds: [Errno 19] No such device

I want to create a multicast socket connection in a ad-hoc network topology. I have a client/server implementation in python that is WORKING FINE on a normal network configuration, meaning a standard network config with internet connection. This is…
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Multi peer connection using Google Nearby Connection

I am working on my Bachelor Thesis and I have to implement an application using Google Nearby Connection API. The goal is to develop a disaster assistance app. I tested Google Nearby Connection for the past two day and I have some problems,…