Questions tagged [acl]

An access control list (ACL), with respect to a computer file system, is a list of permissions attached to an object.

An access control list (ACL) specifies which users or system processes are granted access to objects, as well as what operations are allowed on given objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies a subject and an operation.

When a subject requests an operation on an object in an ACL-based security model the operating system first checks the ACL for an applicable entry to decide whether the requested operation is authorized. A key issue in the definition of any ACL-based security model is determining how access control lists are edited, namely which users and processes are granted ACL-modification access. ACL models may be applied to collections of objects as well as to individual entities within the system hierarchy.

Benefits of ACLs include:

  • easy to implement
  • easy to understand
  • extremely fine-grained: down to the user and the resource

Drawbacks of ACLs include:

  • too fine-grained and thus too hard to manage. The ACL management is on a per-object level
  • not context-aware: ACLs do not take time, location, or other attributes into consideration
  • doesn't scale: ACLs only work on a small set of objects and users.

Other access control models include and which aim to address the shortcomings of .

More information can be found on Wikipedia's definition of access control lists.

2604 questions
1 answer

Add external account as S3 Object's ACL

I have an Account A uploading objects to a S3 bucket in Account B. The objects are read by Account C. To provide Account C the permission to access these objects, I have to add its canonical ID to ACL of the objects. I am trying to do this in yml,…
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Access Control on Adhoc Commands in RunDeck

Is there any way that I restrict a user to run a specific command? For example: I want only Admin users should be allowed to run "rm" commands on a node. Or I need to restrict the commands that requires write access on to the filesystem of the node.
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Best way to implement ACL for massive static ressources

For some time now I've been looking for a way to manage user specific access to static resources. The context is that I am developing a browser based game and the users should get access to certain assets (e.g. textures) piece by piece. It should be…
0 answers

Is it possible to automatically advance to a different user group with Joomla?

About 8 years ago I started to build a website and managed at that time to get this working (what I am asking about). My programming skills are extremely limited. Kind of find code, change it to see if it does what I need and then change it back…
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django storages AWS S3 SigVer4: SignatureDoesNotMatch

My configuration (very basic): AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'eu-west-3' AWS_S3_FILE_OVERWRITE = False # S3_USE_SIGV4 = True # if used, nothing changes # AWS_S3_SIGNATURE_VERSION = "s3v4" # if used,…
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Using Set-Acl and the FileSystemAccessRule.RemoveAccessRule method not working

Summary: I'm trying to script removing the modify permission of a particular folder (or file) for the "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" group, across multiple machines (actually as part of a file deployment script). I have some code that attempts…
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Super linter : Terrascan s3 bucket issue

I am facing the issue while adding super linter in the git actions for my terraform files. The terrascan present in the super linter is giving the following error results: violations: rule_name: s3EnforceUserACL …
0 answers

How to disable authentication on express-acl?

I have a question regarding authentication on express-acl. I have a "help" page that needs to be accessed by non-logged in visitors ("guest" user), but on the same router I need to use express acl to give authorization to only authenticated users,…
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Acl in CakePHP - Removing this functionality

I built a project with Acl enabled - I used the CakePHP tutorial on their website to do this. However, the project no longer needs this functionality. I've removed all reference of Acl and Aco in my controllers, models and views (if fact I did the…
Dan Hanly
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HAproxy url access only from

I have http-request deny if { path -i -m beg /otrs/ } !{ src } This is working fine. And i'd like to have same possibility whit subdomain, like: What i mean is subdomain ser, not path. How to achieve that?
1 answer

Consul Key/value not working when acl enbled

When I configure Spring microservice to acl enabled consul not able to read the key/value from consul. "acl":{ "enabled":true, "default_policy":"deny", "enable_token_persistence":true, "down_policy":…
1 answer

How to create Casbin model and policy for roles and resources that belongs to folders?

I'm trying to create a Casbin RBAC + ACL model. The business requirement is as follows: We have an Organization, and within Organization you can create Folders. There are special folders like Workspace folder. Basically, the folders are a way to…
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How to properly manage both roles and statuses as ACLs in Loopback?

In my app I need to combine two different access control mechanisms that should work together: roles and statuses. So a user can have different roles like admin, guest, teammember etc. This is already implemented by using Roles, role mappings and…
Denis Yakovenko
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1 answer

KeeperErrorCode = InvalidACL when using kafka-configs

I'm trying to setup my kafka cluster to accept SASL_SSL / SCRAM authentication. First of all, everything is working actually and clients connect using SASL_SSL / GSSAPI. My Zk servers are configured also for SASL authentication and TLS. I'm using…
1 answer

Setting up a Share Using Windows ACLs (Samba)

i have some trouble with this guide I don't understand how i should give a AD group rwx rights because there are not in the normal linux groups. I did not make a…
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